RT @JavaScriptDaily: Espresso.js: A React and Backbone-inspired MVC Framework - https://t.co/effeidt9bR
RT @elijahmanor: cssnext: Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today http://cssnext.github.io/ playground: https://t.co/hH8bmGCMOn
RT @igrigorik: 58% of navigations (in Chrome) are over HTTPS: https://plus.google.com/+IlyaGr... - up 31% in 2 years! we're shooting for 100%. https://twitter.com/igrigor...
RT @BillMoyersHQ: Sen. James Inhofe, who wrote a book calling climate change a hoax, is likely pick to head committee overseeing EPA http://billmoyers.com/2014...
RT @benadida: I continue to be surprised that @pmarca, one of the innovators who benefited the most from net neutrality, is now against it.
"A <canvas> font and typesetting" http://txtjs.com/
iOS devs, you may have some great stuff but do you have support for teleporting Goats like Android does? http://t.co/2On6WS4euv()
RT @njm: “how to manage a team — you work for them" https://t.co/VrANwpnUPn https://twitter.com/greatdi...
RT @ebidel: Polymer 0.5.0 - now with dope material design spinnerz https://t.co/oLULWei9YW
RT @rodneyabrooks: The always smart Kevin Kelly. The Three Breakthroughs That Have Finally Unleashed AI on the World | WIRED http://www.wired.com/2014...
RT @cdixon: They can put a man in the moon but we still don't have a way to fix typos on Twitter. :/
"on" - Micah
RT @chrismessina: THE COMPANY THAT CONTROLS MESSAGING WILL CONTROL THE FUTURE OF [HOW] WE INTERACT WITH PEOPLE. http://www.wired.com/2014... https://twitter.com/chrisme...
"Dear Senator Ted Cruz, I'm going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works" http://theoatmeal.com/blog...
RT @madhava: Tracking Protection, a privacy experiment, now in Firefox Nightly: https://t.co/aHbprsbWFS #fx10 #chooseindependent https://twitter.com/madhava...
"It is critical to have at least one person with at least a functional understanding of each of the composite parts" http://techcrunch.com/2014...
Pay a ton for a crappy ERP where you need more time to customize than if you built it? (Vs "not our core competency") http://m.mendix.com/think-t...
"I bet there’s a stong inverse correlation between metric-driven corporations & how trustworthy they appear." @tobie https://t.co/zQNzsbHmks
This is Success: Why 1000/100/6/50ms? Blink and we will get there. https://t.co/6HbfGO0INe
RT @ChromiumDev: "State of Blink" slide deck: https://t.co/YTNKmoj3Pz Covering Blink status, goals & priorities
RT @littleidea: Docker: The Fine Print http://fewbytes.com/present... from the always insightful @nukemberg
Blog Post: I discuss the role of soul, purpose, and regulation as you geek out on measuring everything that you do. https://t.co/FiitHiQdtR
RT @snookca: Write only the CSS you need. No more.
"The hash collision took just 10 hours and cost only 65 cents plus tax" http://arstechnica.com/securit...
RT @bradneuberg: This is pretty cool: browser polyfills as a service: https://t.co/ga2lWLcWpz
RT @bcantrill: Our @SmartDataCenter/@MantaStorage open source announcement on Hacker News: https://t.co/JVKZk1TtCP
Brackets looks perfect with the Bespin logo that @mart3ll gifted us back in the day. Atom and Brackets make me happy. https://twitter.com/dalmaer...
RT @mart3ll: Excited to test out http://brackets.io/ from Adobe. Looks awesome! I replaced its icon with my old Bespin logo! :) http://cl.ly/image...
RT @firt: Baidu Browser double cheating on Android users: starts w/space to appear first and adds a fake "recommended" string https://twitter.com/firt...
Another hybrid: "Google Inbox has non-UI code in Java, cross-compiled with J2ObjC, all UI code is native." /ht @cromwellian
RT @cromwellian: @gruber non-UI code in Java, cross-compiled with J2ObjC (https://code.google.com/p...) Not a WebView hybrid, it's all XCode/InterfaceBuilder/Cocoa