Dave Fletcher

Chief Technology Officer, egov enthusiast
Wyoming to close data centers in cloud shift http://www.infoworld.com/d...
RT @IGN: Robin Williams to be memorialized in World of Warcraft http://www.ign.com/article... || https://twitter.com/IGN...
RT @KSLcom: UDOT Walking School Bus app aims to improve safety for kids walking to school http://www.ksl.com/... by @BjaminWood https://twitter.com/KSLcom...
RT @rachelhaot: Exciting to see @whitehouse launch of U.S. Digital Service. Its mission is reflected in its playbook: http://playbook.cio.gov/
RT @billschrier: Gov't #opendata: "the public sector [can become] an enabler of innovation ... a model of how to get things done." http://www.nextgov.com/emergin...
RT @FCC: Check out the @FCC's cool new maps showing fiber connections to the nation’s schools & libraries http://www.fcc.gov/maps... #eRate #Wifi4Schools
RT @govtechnews: #Utah leads the way in mobile-friendly government http://www.govtech.com/state... @UtahGov @dfletcher
RT @govtechnews: #Delaware #CIO Jim Sills returns to private sector http://www.govtech.com/state... @JimSillsDECIO best wishes
RT @nisamalli: "We need a new gen of entrepreneurial public servants..creating the conditions for innovation & change" -@FutureGov http://wearefuturegov.com/2014...
RT @StateTech: How @UtahDOT uses citizen data to keep drivers safe: http://www.statetechmagazine.com/article... #govtech
How can big data make a difference? http://ow.ly/i/669DA/original
A desktop version of BrainX3 will be available for download soon. http://www.brainx3.com https://twitter.com/dfletch...
Utah Leading the Mobile-Friendly Government Movement - http://www.governing.com/topics...
UDOT Citizen Reporter Program gathers volunteer data ­ UDOT Transportation Blog - http://blog.udot.utah.gov/2014...
RT @ericschmidt: Good things happen when you bring smart people together. When you don't? Good luck... #HowGoogleWorks https://twitter.com/ericsch...
RT @digiphile: Former Googler, helped @HealthCareGov: MT @todd_park: Welcome, Mikey Dickerson, head of the new US Digital Service! http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog...
RT @UtahAmbassadors: Utah ranks 8th in nation, 2nd in Western US for Internet connection speed, per Akamai’s 2014 report. http://www.akamai.com/dl...
Utah hires new state #opendata coordinator, @drewmingl
Utah Big Data Geeks working on issue triage, #analytics #airquality https://twitter.com/dfletch...
15 Solar Voltaic Projects Underway in Utah State Facilities: http://dfcm.utah.gov/Documen...
RT @cdorobek: Reading @EddieACopeland via PolicyBytes: How to Harness the Wisdom of Crowds in Public Services http://policybytes.org.uk/informa... #Gov20 HT @ElaMi5
RT @pewresearch: Key Insights: Expert Views on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs http://www.pewinternet.org/2014... https://twitter.com/pewrese...
RT @siliconslopes: Pluralsight opens new office, offers free tech education to Utah teachers http://siliconslopes.com/2014... @pluralsight https://twitter.com/silicon...
RT @Neubrain: We are so proud of @ParkCityGovt, for winning this year's @ICMA Performance Management Award! http://blog.neubrain.com/park-ci... https://twitter.com/Neubrai...
RT @joelcampbell: Utah stands out as island of Internet speed in the West. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs... via @washingtonpost #utpol
'Roadkill app' paints clearer picture of wildlife-vehicle collisions http://www.deseretnews.com/article... #AGRC
RT @govtechnews: Smart #cities on the rise, says IHS Technology report http://www.govtech.com/local... #localgov
RT @24saltlake: This is what your favorite Utah websites looked like 10 years ago http://www.24saltlake.com/life...
RT @govtechnews: Review of @aneeshchopra's new book, Innovative State: Making #innovation safe for government (again) http://www.govtech.com/federal...
RT @EGOV: Congrats @kwrobinsontxcio of @TexasDIR! Winner of the Advocate Award @NextGenGov for her work in mentoring future public service leaders!