Dave Fletcher

Chief Technology Officer, egov enthusiast
Register for the Wasatch Choice for 2040 Consortium, Help Plan for the Future http://utahpolicy.com/index...
Utah leaders use games to find priorities http://www.deseretnews.com/article...
Utah Smart Schools Technology Project (Year 2) - http://le.utah.gov/interim...
Utah Broadband Project Releases Report on Home Internet Usage - - http://business.utah.gov/news...
RT @westgov: #Utah's @GovHerbert challenges star employees to think big, improve efficiency http://blog.governor.utah.gov/2014... #utpol
RT @provoeconodev: Which States Have the Best Technology? http://t.co/eZOtFTPwFi High marks for @utahgov
Here’s an invitation to Interface 14 in SLC on Sep. 11th. Check it out: http://interfacetour.com/evites...
It's Official: America Has A New CTO http://www.businessinsider.com/its-off...
Uintah Basin Energy Summit scheduled for September 4th http://trustlands.utah.gov/events...
Solr + Hadoop, Presentation from last week at Big Data Utah / Utah Geek Events https://t.co/hAdyU8hMbO
How will robots affect your future? https://t.co/kNbrQnUJk3
Data Competition Tackles Air Quality in Utah http://slcgreen.wordpress.com/2014...
RT @VisitUtah: More from the @UtahSymphony's Mighty 5® Tour via @WSJ: Barnstorming Utah's National Parks. http://online.wsj.com/article... https://twitter.com/VisitUt...
38 Years of Your State’s Unemployment Data Displayed in One Map http://dailysignal.com/2014...
RT @billschrier: Does real-time transit data via smartphone apps increase ridership or improve rider satisfaction? - @CityLab http://www.citylab.com/commute...
RT @dtapscott: The World's Most Influential Cities http://www.forbes.com/sites...
RT @dustinhaisler: Great read!...Will You Soon be Training your Robot Replacement? http://www.govtech.com/educati... #ai #futureofwork #gov20
SB Frontrunner from North Temple now over 20 minutes delayed @RideUTA
Utah job growth hits highest mark in 2014 http://www.utah.gov/governo...
RT @EvansSchoolAdm: #TBT @UW 1st offered the Master of Public Administration degree in 1947 through the Dept of Political Science: http://evans.uw.edu/about... #MPA
RT @TJPublicSafety: Great discussions with @SquiresDPS yesterday about @FirstNetGov in #Utah.
Government iPad Activations Up 5% http://www.informationweek.com/governm...?
RT @UtahData: Personal Consumption Expenditures: A new tool to add to your economic-analysis repertoire http://economyutah.blogspot.com/2014... https://twitter.com/UtahDat...
Check out the many ways the Utah State Senate is using social media at http://senatecloud.com
Wyoming to close data centers in cloud shift http://www.infoworld.com/d...
RT @IGN: Robin Williams to be memorialized in World of Warcraft http://www.ign.com/article... || https://twitter.com/IGN...