. @jasonmendelson I think you need to add some treble or perhaps "Who Let the Dogs Out" ;) (actually War Pigs kills ear worms)
"Pain is temporary, but suck is forever." Pixar when decided to rewrite Toy Story 2 from scratch 8 months before release
RT @StartupLJackson: Bad lawyers are unbelievably expensive. Good lawyers, by contrast, just charge a high hourly rate.
.@HawaiianAir Every time I interact with another airline it makes me value the aloha we get on Hawaiian that much more.
.@united flight to get home should be great for their joints. Look forward to next Tuesday or Wednesday when they've recovered
.@united Sorry they couldn't move fast enough for you. The cross country flight, 3 hours of LAX sleep (with no meds), then another flight.
.@united Great job telling my wife and kids (all with arthritis) that you'd hold their connection and then closing the doors in their faces.
RT @JuddApatow: “@BuddhaQuotes2: The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably deal with. ~Tony Robbins”
RT @umfuckno: "you support gay rights so u must be gay" i support animal rights do i look like a fucking alpaca to you
Timmy with no mustache is a good pitcher.
Few things better than having a son who is both fun to have dinner with -and- can drive home
.“@hnshah: "If you can’t feed a team with two pizzas, it’s too large." — Jeff Bezos” Bruce Bochy said the same thing about 3rd basemen
Great Rock center report on succession planning http://public-prod-acquia.gsb.... ht @lehotlouis
RT @moesch: The amazing @BoxHQ crew half way thru @AIDSLifeCycle. Safe journey & cheers to raising $102K for HIV/AIDS nonprofits! https://twitter.com/moesch...
“@axwheat: Proud of my brother in law @mikejason73 for his opinion piece in tomorrow's post. http://t.co/w1y6WKAKwh”
RT @axwheat: Proud of my brother in law @mikejason73 for his opinion piece in tomorrow's post. http://m.washingtonpost.com/opinion...
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - Dalai Lama
RT @SaraJBenincasa: When people ask, "What time in history would you like to travel to?" I'm like, "Um, I'm a woman. I'll stay right the fuck here, thanks."
RT @AdamABerry: Twitter Legal is hiring! If you are a tech transactions / licensing counsel, now is your chance to #JoinTheFlock - https://t.co/0ZuLsGRrtU
RT @HorsesToHarleys: GoDaddy Partners With Anita Borg Institute To Empower Women Techn - GoDaddy http://www.godaddy.com/news...
RT @ListenLikeaLwyr: One difference between successful and very successful people is more powerful listening. https://t.co/mdwEYyKs7E
“@SFGiants: Today’s Anthem performer was Danielle Meulens, daughter of #SFGiants Hitting coach Bam Bam Meulens http://t.co/DuLxeP8N5l”
Nat'l Anthem at @sfgiants was Bam Bam's daughter Danielle Muellens who was intro'd as an "aspiring singer". Based on this, she's a SINGER
RT @micah: "Expectations for Outside Board Members" good read http://www.feld.com/wp...
Re: Book: The Hard Thing About Hard Things - http://feld.com/archive...
"I'm interested in what 10 topics that the group thought were important enough to make the cut." - David Thomas
Away from Trillian