David HC Soul

Bricoleur: have trowel, will travel (currently writing a book on the application of cybernetics to the management of organizations when not procrastinating here)
Re: Introducing Templates: Great looking maps right out of the box - http://blog.kumu.io/introdu...
"i've been on 2 moth hiatus due "real world urgent" driving out "real world important (via Kumu)" but it seems I picked exactly the right day to come out of the cave with its mere shadows of reality.... templates seem to be a hit 'right out of the park'" - David HC Soul
Re: OUR VIEW: An apology for dog column insensitivity - http://www.thenownewspaper.com/news...
"Opinion pieces are exactly that and have a place to encourage healthy debate. No matter how I try to change perspectives to view this, however, I cannot see that healthy debate was the editors intent in letting the opinion piece go through in the form as written. Given the inportance of a free press it is very unfortunate when the editor seems to believe that the purpose of his rag is to create the news rather than to report the news. I do hope that the editor has at least achieved some personal pleasure from his minutes of fame," - David HC Soul
RT @AntonioFrench: "Violence will not be tolerated." Ironically, this is the message of protestors as well. https://twitter.com/Antonio...
RT @Waterpolo_World: The poster for the LEN European Super Cup matches in Barcelona, November 21. Ticket status: sold out! #Waterpolo https://twitter.com/Waterpo...
RT @latimes: Scenes from California's drought, by photographer @AlSchaben: http://www.latimes.com/local... https://twitter.com/latimes...
RT @wef: Why inequality is 2015's most worrying trend #outlook2015 http://forumblog.org/2014... https://twitter.com/wef...
RT @EFF: To nobody's surprise, Australian “terrorism” law may be used for copyright enforcement: https://t.co/OLQxM9Pjc1
The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
RT @jayrosen_nyu: Some people are good at golf. Others at making tomato sauce. Or money. Dave Winer is good at being independent. See: http://scripting.com/2014...
RT @lailayuile: Sometimes, I find so much beauty at once I can't bear for the moment to ever end. #surreybc #truesurrey #bliss https://twitter.com/lailayu...
RT @davidbadash: So @rupertmurdoch, who had to shutter a century-old paper for cell phone tapping hypocritically attacks Google, NSA: https://t.co/yOsuDVOA3s
I thought it was Paul doing his usual lame act! “@kevraire17: How does a punter pull a shoulder trying to run?" #CFLonTSN @BCLions
Not critical thinking! @neiltyson ... as long as we don't program emotions into Robots, there's no reason to fear them taking over the world
RT @valleypolo: Catch Some of the Games on LIVE STREAM from the 2014 FINA Youth World Championships. #GoCanadaGo http://www.ywcistanbul2014.com/live...
BC Lions at BC Place with the roof open! Glorious. Special night tonight honoring Giroy Simon. https://twitter.com/Bricole...
RT @mgouletcoach: RT “@fina1908: What is happening in EXACTLY 365 days? #FINAworlds #kazan2015 http://www.fina.org/H2O... http://t.co/osiFUlUOvt”
Calfornia Nightmare: Lake Mead Drops To Lowest Levels Ever As 14-Year Drought Plagues Southwest (PHOTOS) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014...
RT @ViaSport_: Extra extra, read all about it! Out latest #BC amateur sport bi-weekly newsletter is here: http://www.viasport.ca/newslet... #BCnews #BCjobs
RT @TheEconomist: When external crisis strikes Israel, its politicians tend to close ranks. Not this time http://www.economist.com/blogs... https://twitter.com/TheEcon...
RT @mgouletcoach: Junior Pan American #WaterPolo Champs Kicks Off tomorrow in Riverside CA. Best wishes 2 Team Canada! Info here soon: http://usawaterpolo.org/calenda...
RT @mims: Great thing about the age of automation is we get to debug *the real world* https://twitter.com/mims...
RT @BalGosal: As Canada's Sports Minister, I love our Amateur Sports and Canada's Athletes, please retweet if you share the same sentiment. #GoCanadaGo!
RT @washingtonpost: U.S. Soccer wrote an excuse note so you can skip work and watch the World Cup tomorrow http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs... https://twitter.com/ussocce...
RT @mgouletcoach: MT “@CAC_ACE: @petrocanada #sportleadership is only 5 mths away. Info is available @ http://www.coach.ca/petro-c...! Registration coming soon!”
RT @benparr: I agree with most of these suggestions for fixing Google+ by @ChrisSaad - http://chrissaad.com/profess...
RT @KelsieVosburgh: Describing @Powells to a coworker: "If you like books at all, you have to go to Powell's. It's the best thing that's ever happened." #truth
RT @VIAwesome: Truth MT @BCLions: what’s awesome? #FridayNightFootball! what’s even more awesome? Open roof at @bcplace! https://twitter.com/BCLions...