Bec Rowe @d0tski

Social Media Expert.
mill park super clinic -
@ mill park super clinic - hell on earth. expect a 90 minute wait for the privilege of 2.5 minutes with a disinterested doctor. bit better than the emergency room. - Bec Rowe @d0tski
@ The Coffee Club - coffeeeeeeeeee - Bec Rowe @d0tski
Harbour Town Shopping Centre -
@ Harbour Town Shopping Centre - need food! - Bec Rowe @d0tski
Waterfront Piazza -
@ Waterfront Piazza - Renault Roundup '11 - Bec Rowe @d0tski
@ Epping Station - on the way to the Renault Roundup but don't think we'll make it on time. guess who slept thru the alarm again? also, shite weather. - Bec Rowe @d0tski
Safeway Mill Park -
@ Safeway Mill Park - need tp - Bec Rowe @d0tski
@ Savers - 5 minutes walk from my house!! - Bec Rowe @d0tski
Voting below the line in Scullin.
Beyond Squee - Daily Squee - Cute Baby Animals -
Is it just me, or is someone squeezing this pup's neck WAY too tight? - Bec Rowe @d0tski
HP Just need beams and rivets!
Thinking about making soap for the first time in a year :).
The salsa is spicy! Grab the gin! AGGGGGH!!! Ahhhhhhh. :).
Sing us a song, you're the pianoman, sing us a song toniiiiight....
HPers- need hammers! Will return!
Dulok eyed panther? Any around?
Happy Petsers- Some SERIOUS UFT and UFA listings will be coming later! If you want to look through my house and get first dibs, I'm looking for PB new horses, dulok eye kitties, red/purple glitch eye kitties, glitchy dinos... all the cool stuffs :).
I reckon Matt Preston looks fab tonight on MChef.
Rebecca is anyone else beginning to suspect that all these Happy Pets 'glitchy' animals are in fact not glitches, but are actually 'seeded' by happy pets to create a run on instagrows, instadopts, idols etc?
FRONTIERVILLAINS! All my pumpkins rotted- anyone wanna go revive them?
Rebecca ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶.
Britain says sorry for Bloody Sunday killings -
I'd pay many FBC for a clone feature on Happy Pets. Darnit.
HPers: Anyone have a grown yellow dinosaur they'd trade with me for another grown dino? Have a pink male and a blue female- need to swap for same gender.