Chris Aldrich

Biomedical Engineer. Interested in Information Theory, Evolution, Genetics, Digital Signal Processing, Theoretical Mathematics.
Re: The Benefits of No-Tech Note Taking -
"I'm always kind of surprised that in situations like these that people aren't using some of the newer technological advances that take simultaneous advantage of research like that mentioned in the article, but also newer as well as older technology. In particular, I always recommend some of the technology by Livescribe who make the Pulse and Echo smart pens ( These technologies use traditional pens which have embedded optical scanners and microphones so that both the written words and the spoken parts of lectures are recorded - and more importantly they're directly connected within the technology. This can allow students (disabled or not) to capture all of the spoken lecture and even allow them to go back later and supplement their notes. Bookmarking technology built in also allows one to easily come back to important points to to easily skip around within the lecture to quickly find the portions they'd like to relisten to or add additional notes to. For those..." - Chris Aldrich
Re: And the Next 35 Resilient Cities Are... : The Rockefeller Foundation -
"I was interested to see a recent interview of Dr. Rodin in conjunction with her recent book on resilience. I've ordered a copy as I'm surprised to hear how some of the principles she discussed were related to my own research in the areas of Complexity Theory and particularly the overlap of information theory and molecular biology. The science underpinning all of this is truly fascinating. For those unfamiliar with these areas, I'd recommend also taking a look at Melanie Mitchell's Complexity: A Guided Tour and Nicholas Nassim Taleb's The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable which do a reasonable job of giving the idea of how these areas all inter-relate with little or no mathematics. In particular Taleb discusses the concept of "too big to fail" from a probabilistic and an evolutionary standpoint, which can easily be applied to the potential fragility of institutions which underpin cities and will help to make them more resilient." - Chris Aldrich
Re: Digital humanities research project will explore annotations in early modern manuscripts -
"If you don't receive a direct reply from the communications department, which published the story, you should try contacting Earle Havens directly via Sacrobosco is a wonderful classic. Based on your spelling of the title, it may be a Finnish translation? There is a relatively well-known humanist and geographer by the name of Jacob Ziegler who died two years after the publication date you give. Most of his writing was in Latin, but he travelled through most of Europe including Germany and Italy and would likely have known multiple languages. I'm sure Earle can be much more helpful." - Chris Aldrich
Re: Twitter Builds Search Engine That Lets You Find Any Tweet Ever Sent -
"No mention of which Twitter essentially bought and shut down? No mention of the original "firehose" feed from Twitter? No mention of Twitter cutting Google out of the firehose? This was originally supposed to be one of the services Twitter had that was going to help them monetize, and now it's apparently just a side note on Wired. Whatever happened to the concept of realtime?!" - Chris Aldrich
Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (Part 2) | UCLA Extension
Your audience isn't your social network: it's time to start publishing for yourself. #mustread
RT @andreweckford: Here's my new paper on arXiv: "Capacity of a simple intercellular signal transduction channel"
RT @andreweckford: Turns out, it can be modeled nicely by a 2-state time-inhomogeneous Markov chain, and the capacity-achieving input distribution is IID.
RT @andreweckford: We calculate the capacity of a very simple 2-state ligand-receptor channel, such as the cAMP receptor in Dictyostelium.
RT @fortnow: Ever notice that the median age of humans keeps increasing but the max doesn't change. One day everyone will live to exactly 115.
RT @JohnsHopkins: We think the Station North Arts and Entertainment District will be the next hot place in Baltimore soon. Here's why:
RT @RELenski: With generous gift from John Koza @BEACON_Center & @MSU announce search for new endowed chair in genetic programming
Doritos covered cheese ball! -
BIRS Workshop on Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory | Storify Stream -
The Wave Basis of Special Relativity -
Re: Top Ten Nonfiction Books for Thinking Mothers -
"Some interesting choices. I'd also highly recommend geographer and cultural anthropologist Jared Diamond's The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? as something to include in the top five of this list." - Chris Aldrich
Modern Gastronomy A to Z: A Scientific and Gastronomic Lexicon -
On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen -
Dale Carnegie's Lifetime Plan for Success: How to Win Friends and Influence People & How to stop worrying and start living -
On the Manner of Negotiating with Princes -
Re: Want To Read Faster? There’s a Bookmarklet for That -
"It's been a year since this post and a bevy of RSVP-related technologies have proliferated in the interim. My favorite speed reading app is Spritz, along with the Spritzlet bookmarklet for reading on both the web and mobile. Even better than this is the Balto app for the Kindle/Android platform which I use religiously on my Kindle tablet. I've written some additional details about these and others for those interested:" - Chris Aldrich
Inquire in the Margine 'If the Page satisfie not, inquire in the Margine:' -John Selden (1584-1654) -
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations: An Elementary Introduction -
Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz -
Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them -