RT @conradhackett: 60% of top tech companies were founded by immigrants or their children https://twitter.com/conradh...
E fu così che da Ko Tao decidemmo di esplorare Laos e Cambogia .. #obbiettivo2015
RT @micampe: If you hate Facebook remember that before it existed you received all the same crap in PowerPoint email attachments.
A portrait from the bench - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Finalmente un bel gruzzolo: 16600 THB #vacanze #fb
Gente che scommette sulla vittoria del Brasile al mondiale .. #paesereale #fb
RT @EKTOutie: http://arstechnica.com/securit... the glorious future: having to update the firmware on YOUR LIGHTBULBS.
RT @CalEvans: Managers: If you call your people "resources", they get to call you “overhead”. Ingrain that in your memory.
Signora chi vincerà il mondiale? L'Italia! Ma signora l'Italia é stata eliminata... #paesereale #fb
che lavoro fai? chatto #devlife #fb
RT @Brilliant_Ads: Best banner of the FIFA World Cup tournament so far: http://t.co/f2mELZWVj4
RT @xeni: Here's a cool #hack: next time you hear “cloud” used to mean internet, replace it with “clown.” Clown-based data solutions. Clown computing.
RT @capotribu: @joewalnes "we thought bigcorp were going to copy us but in reality they are so far behind they wouldn't know what to do with out tech"
RT @emadb: if you are not able to develop great applications, change your job, do something else and the world would be thankful to you.
RT @emadb: @raffaeu if devs are not able to work with the best tools, screw them. @robymes @igordamiani @arialdomartini
Sto donando la mia voce .. #dev
RT @MotherKissers: Awesome take from @MotherKissers photosession with @calca https://twitter.com/MotherK...
RT @filip_woj: too many people confuse "passionate about work" with workaholism
RT @CdGherardesca: Non vedo l'ora che gli ADORATI amici cinesi aprano un'azienda di TAXI a Milano. 我爱你,中国 https://twitter.com/CdGhera...
RT @quotes: "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars, it's where the rich use public transportation." https://twitter.com/quotes...
sembriamo all'età della pietra dove tramandiamo le credenziali (cit.) #devlife
RT @amnesiak1978: Sia ben chiaro che fare la foto ad un mendicante o ad una donna indiana non fa di voi il nuovo Steve McCurry.
RT @luca_julian: I'm thinking of creating a Meetup group on @xamarinhq in Milan... Is anyone interested?
RT @seriouspony: Remember: if you take up programming at age 40, by age 45 you could be more experienced than most of those coding the apps you use today.
Efficienza/3: nel forma c'è 'non do il consenso' ma non puoi crociarlo perché altrimenti non posso farti la pratica #paesereale #fb
Efficienza/2: un'ora non è sufficiente per il trapasso dell'auto #paesereale #fb
Efficienza: 15 minuti per aprire le serrande di una agenzia #paesereale #fb
RT @chemikadze: Engineer: 1900 Can build a bridge 1960 Can assemble computer from parts 1995 Knows how to compile kernel 2014 Makes button blink w jQuery
RT @strobist: Abraham Lincoln was a very wise man. https://twitter.com/strobis...