
the man, the mortal, the sex-object, the hero... (hyper)streaming with passion and compassion... ~ http://www.c4chaos.com
the data geek in me is geeking out. just sayin’. Introducing Watson Analytics at Insight 2014 ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch...
now that Republicans have control of the Senate, i’d be really disappointed if the Democrats don’t abuse the filibuster gambit.
RT @Computing_News: NASDAQ attempts to shield itself from Shellshock with help of Splunk http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg... via @sooraj_shah #cybersecurity #splunkconf
breakout session time… where the rubber meets the road on the way to data democracy… #splunk #splunkconf https://twitter.com/c4chaos...
RT @Gartner_inc: Gartner Reveals Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users for 2015 and Beyond http://www.gartner.com/newsroo... #GartnerSYM
lolz. ~ RT @splunk: Every time you push a button on a @cocacola freestyle machine, 100 bytes of data of data goes into Splunk. #splunkconf
my geeky dharma teacher @ShinzenYoung geeks out at Buddha at the Gas Pump. ~ http://batgap.com/shinzen... #openpractice
“Emptiness is not nothing. It is Pure Doing.“ ~ @ShinzenYoung #openpractice
RT @aantonop: LIVE with Jeffrey Tucker: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
self-referential consciousness is a virus that impedes the efficiency of the human biological machine. #openpractice
my first reaction to #Splunk App for Stream is like a kid in a candy store full of #wiredata. just sayin’.
RT @dagryph: Snowden: The NSA's building Skynet to fight wars online http://engt.co/1oJw8R4 via @engadget
whoa! your wire data is about to be splunked! what say you @ExtraHop? :) Introducing #Splunk App for Stream http://www.splunk.com/view... #ITOA
time is not an illusion. it’s an abstraction to the eternal now. #openpractice
RT @erik_davis: Great discussion with Dean Radin on Psi, siddhis, and the sociology of science and skepticism: http://prn.fm/expandi...
The Crash Course - Chapter 8 - Money Creation - The Fed - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
awesome. Illegal Spying Below: Activists Fly Anti-Surveillance Airship over NSA’s Utah Data Center ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch... via @eff
excellent Ken Wilber quotes. very fluffy :) ~ RT @Jimparedes: Quotes from my favorite writer at http://jimparedes.tumblr.com
it’s official. i’m going to the #Splunk .Conf 2014 in October. i’m geeking out already. see you in Vegas splunk geeks! :)
the reality we experience is not an illusion. it’s an abstraction. ~ http://ultraculture.org/blog... #openpractice
RT @pmarca: First ride on the Oculus DK2 roller-coaster simulation: https://t.co/kx0I01Q31D
drool! ~ The YouTube Of Data Visualization Is Here ~ http://www.fastcodesign.com/3033797...
.@tsupasat true. but if i want a more holistic picture of the application then #Extrahop + #Splunk is a perfect APM combo :)
to all Operational Intelligence geeks out there… #ExtraHop vs. #Compuware #dynaTrace - which is the better APM tool? and why?
to all Operational Intwlligence geeks out there… #ExtraHop vs. #Compuware #dynaTrace - which is the better APM tool? and why?