Michael Kuhn

computational biologist at TU Dresden / MPI-CBG Dresden. http://www.mckuhn.de/
RT @timpritlove: Don't miss out on the great XKCD1446 which has it's own site now where you can replay all frames http://xkcd1446.org
RT @TRHvidsten: Wiring patterns of only a few TFs distinguish cell identities in a regulatory networks of 41 human cell types: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content...
RT @ewanbirney: Not sure I am totally with this "spacecraft tweeting" (@Philae2014). It feels a bit hokey. Prefer some "live" navigation datastream.
RT @sangerinstitute: Sample of an Unknown Soldier: The story of NCTC1 https://t.co/C9J5QTGQud https://twitter.com/sangeri...
RT @mgymrek: #biostars “uses this” series https://www.biostars.org/t... has awesome insights from some of the most impactful #bioinformatics ppl. great reads!
RT @davidjayharris: Not sure how this made it through proofreading, peer review, and copyediting. Via http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi... #addedvalue https://twitter.com/davidja...
RT @iddux: Why scripting is not as simple as... scripting http://bytesizebio.net/2014...
RT @CameronNeylon: Wow - increase in info on jrnl pricing just keeps on coming. Elsevier deal with Fr via @MaliciaRogue & @Dorialexander https://translate.google.com/transla...
RT @MolSystBiol: Spooky: human blastocysts express viral proteins from HERV-K proviruses and even form viral-like particles (Joanna Wysocka) #EMBLomics
RT @MihailSarov: Great arguments or the harm of funding (only) excellence http://www.researchresearch.com/index...
RT @MolSystBiol: Frank Holstege: effects on cell cycle actually explain stress 'response' signature http://msb.embopress.org/content... #emblomics
RT @mgalactus: Here it comes the badomics session (correlomics and causalomics?!) #emblomics
Frank Holstege at #emblomics: correlomics, causalomics and the deletome http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed...
RT @HKilpinen: Jernej Ule: Recursive splicing regulates use of poison exons (exons with a premature stop codon) within long neuronal genes #EMBLOmics
RT @MihailSarov: Peter Thorpe plays with synthetic protein interactions. What happens when you force a protein to go where it's not supposed to? #EMBLomics
MH: 10% of yeast proteins bind RNA, often conserved to humans. might be widespread way of control of eg enzyme activity #emblomics
Matthias Hentze: PTMs other than phosphorylation are enriched in RNA binding domains #emblomics
RT @Food_Change: Außenpolitik geht durch den Magen – Conflict Kitchen in den USA http://www.zeit.de/2014... @conflictkitchen
RT @PavelTomancak: On the impact of ERC grants on research careers http://www.theguardian.com/higher-... Imprecise, typical starting @ERC_Research grants funds 3-4 positions.
ŷhat | Introducing db.py - http://blog.yhathq.com/posts...
RT @rasbt: Introducing db.py - Looks like a really cool Python database library (i.e., the "pandas" for databases ;)) - Michael Kuhn
very interesting sequencing approach “Genome-wide RNA Tomography in the Zebrafish Embryo“ by van Oudenaarden lab $ - Michael Kuhn
RT @nickschurch: "New bioinformatics vacancy! Role: do everything with shed loads of different types of NGS data - salary: peanuts" #everyjobadvertIsee
GM food: saving lives, or lining corporate pockets? - Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth...
RT @jonathandgjones: GM food: saving lives, or lining corporate pockets? | via @Telegraph Good commentary by Tom Chivers about our letter - Michael Kuhn
Interactive notebooks: Sharing the code : Nature News & Comment - http://www.nature.com/news...
“toolbox” article on IPython in Nature starring @ctitusbrown - Michael Kuhn
RT @sjackman: Learning a new language is not just syntax: @geospacedman I…replaced…a 50 line doubly-loop-nested and buggy R script with a #dplyr one-liner
@zetieum these articles about NW Africa might be interesting for you - Michael Kuhn
RT @jsomers: been working on this for a while now: "How I reverse-engineered Google Docs to play back any document's keystrokes" http://features.jsomers.net/how-i-r...
RT @pedrobeltrao: @biocs we have actually been doing some work on that (a part in this preprint ) - Michael Kuhn
RT @pedrobeltrao: Protein folding creates structure-based, noncontiguous consensus phosphorylation motifs recognized by kinases - Michael Kuhn
RT @zetieum: Fantastic response paper showing flaws in the Science trillion odors paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.0165
RT @AcademicsSay: You show me your data, and I'll show you mine. Just kidding. Get your own data.
RT @jueseph: Fascinating "revealed-preference" college ranking algorithm. Look at Fig. 1! h/t @lpachter's blog. - Michael Kuhn