RT @MolSystBiol: Spooky: human blastocysts express viral proteins from HERV-K proviruses and even form viral-like particles (Joanna Wysocka) #EMBLomics
RT @MihailSarov: Peter Thorpe plays with synthetic protein interactions. What happens when you force a protein to go where it's not supposed to? #EMBLomics
RT @nickschurch: "New bioinformatics vacancy! Role: do everything with shed loads of different types of NGS data - salary: peanuts" #everyjobadvertIsee
RT @jonathandgjones: GM food: saving lives, or lining corporate pockets? | via @Telegraph Good commentary by Tom Chivers about our letter
- Michael Kuhn
RT @sjackman: Learning a new language is not just syntax: @geospacedman I…replaced…a 50 line doubly-loop-nested and buggy R script with a #dplyr one-liner