
So long and thanks for all the fish. New home is at http://www.frenf.it/earlyadopters/bigstarlet
RT @bbcafrica: Kenya university attack: eyewitness account from student @AugustineAlanga http://bbc.in/1F5uKkp
RT @cnntonight: "These people are not being asked to engage in gay sex...they're being asked to sell flowers and cake." @pennjillette http://cnn.it/1y0BFyr
RT @salon: An important reminder from John Oliver that April Fool's Day is for sociopaths http://slnm.us/gQkzsPw
Serves me right for being so blight about the weather a couple of days ago. - I meant blithe. Grrr....
Besides, I always found April Fools's Day to be a pointless exercise in harassment. Like St. Patricks Day before pinching was "outlawed".
Serves me right for being so blight about the weather a couple of days ago.
I did not celebrate April Fools Day. I spent April 1st watching Munich dig out from its piles of fallen branches and slayed trees.
My life in college RT.@ProblemaStudent: my friends do this cute thing where they ignore me until they need something, aw love them so much"
The Helen Sventitsky Daily is out! http://paper.li/bigstar... Stories via @jamesoreilly
Yesterday, thanks to #Niklas, the entire train network in Bavaria was shut down. The wind also… http://wp.me/p4T5qp-jo
RT @osce_rfom: Russian internet trolls are trained to spread propaganda in three-person teams http://uk.businessinsider.com/russian... via @BI_Europe
RT @upshotnyt: Red meat is not the real problem in American diets. It's overeating. http://nyti.ms/1HhJbVj http://t.co/jKw93Q0Fgo
*stops in mid-chew, an entire roasted cow in each hand* NO WAY. - Big Joe Silenced
RT @piarennt: #Niklas fegt weg - und baut auf: eine Brücke über den Eisbach #Muenchen. http://t.co/0LBJ1xxOoZ
I have apparently not been watching the need. Again, damn...Fatal storms hit northern Europe http://www.bbc.co.uk/news...
Wow. o__O - Jennifer Dittrich
is this kind of weather new to western Europe? i don't recall this happening before the 2000s. - Big Joe Silenced
From my understanding, it is not new, but its a once in a generation type of thing. - #cryptic
RT @problemastudent: seriously my favorite thing is when people remember little things I told them... like seriously? you actually listened to me thank you
I am now hearing that it was "hurricane" level winds. Uh, no. I've been in hurricanes. This was no hurricane. Strong. Close. But no cigar.
RT @thenation: We’ve reached a point where desperate women who end their pregnancies before viability are being locked up. http://thenat.in/1ExqXS3
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these drivers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds...wind? OMGWTF!!"
A whole network of trains, serving an area of 4 million people, shut down by a few gusts of wind. Even the main train station was closed.
Context: today was incredibly windy here in Munich. It was apparently so windy that the trains stopped running. That's right.
RT @juliaangwin: Wait, what? Facebook installs a tracking cookies on EU users who try to opt out, new report says. http://www.theguardian.com/technol...
A few gusts and Deutsche Bahn goes into pearl-clutching mode. Unbelievable!
Hey Munich! You let a little bit of wind get to you? This wasn't even hurricane level! Wimps!
The Helen Sventitsky Daily is out! http://paper.li/bigstar... Stories via @AuswaertigesAmt
The Helen Sventitsky Daily is out! http://paper.li/bigstar...
RT @neinquarterly: Another beautiful day for the novelists. To write what they know. And another beautiful day for the poets. To write what they know better.
RT @bbcnewsasia: A question for India's men: What does your wife do? http://bbc.in/1a9h1BH via @geetapandeyBBC http://t.co/biraAWBgat
RT @_alexhirsch: Scientology's spending INSANE money to ensure you DONT watch @alexgibneyfilm's #GoingClear tonight on HBO. See what they're hiding @ 8:00!
RT @problemastudent: Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.
RT @thatericalper: New Report from Next Big Sound Explores Band-Brand Digital Relationships: http://www.billboard.com/biz...