Bonnie Foster

Love my gadgets....and now I love social media, especially FF!
So glad Jeff Bridges won!!
So glad Jeff Bridges won!!
Why the hell is Mike Tyson on the Golden Globes??
Woo Hoo.....Mad Men won! #goldenglobes.
Woo Hoo.....Mad Men won! #goldenglobes
Boo...I think Glen Close should have won for Damages.
Boo...I think Glen Close should have won for Damages.
Yeah...Michael C. Hall won for Dexter!
Yeah...Michael C. Hall won for Dexter!
Can't watch the SD/Jet game anymore! I just know the Chargers are going to blow it. Just may throw up from nerves.
Can't watch the SD/Jet game anymore! I just know the Chargers are going to blow it. Just may throw up from nerves.
BBC News - Scots 'drink 46 bottles of vodka' -
Adults in Scotland are drinking the equivalent of 46 bottles of vodka each in a year, a study has suggested. The research was based on industry sales data analysed by NHS Health Scotland. It said sales for the year to September 2009 averaged 12.2 litres of pure alcohol per person over the age of 18. - Bonnie Foster
That's about a bottle of vodka every 8 days which is about 2 shots (or 1 cocktail) per day. It's not that astounding when you break it down like that. I think a more scary stat is that americans eat 40lbs of sugar per year which breaks down to a POUND every 9 days. - veo
Agree Veo. Seems horrific until you break it down. I have quite a few Scots in my family background but I don't drink the hard stuff...just a plain 'ol wino! - Bonnie Foster
United States Internet Speed is on the Decline [REPORT] -
According to Akamai’s Q3 State of the Internet report, the United States’ internet speed did not qualify for a place in the top ten list of countries with the fastest internet in the world, and its average overall speed has actually decreased by 2.4% year-over-year from 2008 to 2009. - Bonnie Foster
RT @cnnbrk: A security breach has shut down Terminal 8 at JFK airport, an American Airlines spokesman says.
Watching Conan O'Brien tonight...quite all the NBC cracks.
Watching Conan O'Brien tonight...quite all the NBC cracks.
So it's all good again? Must've missed something then... only 8 hours apart... - Zu from AOD
I think it's good for Conan.....he wants out of there and frankly NBC wants him out of there because everyone is loving all the crap that Conan is throwing at NBC. Well deserved I might add! - Bonnie Foster
RT @maddow: Other cell companies drop text message fees for Haiti donations. Sprint doesn't:
RT @cnnbrk: NY Yankees donate $500,000 in support of rescue and relief efforts following the earthquake in Haiti.
Has anyone else experienced Facebook being really F'd up right now??
RT @kyleplacy: Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway. ~ Stephen Colbert***love this***
New Facebook Feature Combats Dodgy Friend Requests -
RT @davewiner: Funny that right around the time you stop being too young to do anything right you become to old to do anything right. :-)
RT @cnnbrk: Terror task force arrests 2 suspects in New York.
RT @cnnbrk: Terror task force arrests 2 suspects in New York.
RT @cnnbrk: Kenya elephant tramples U.S. mother, baby.
RT @cnnbrk: Kenya elephant tramples U.S. mother, baby.
RT @cnnbrk: Jordanian official: Man who bombed Afghanistan CIA base was a Jordanian doctor.
Spicy Breaded Chicken Wings Recipe | Simply Recipes -
Sometime in the mid 80s I gave my father a subscription to Gourmet magazine. Looking back I think that's just about one of the most brilliant, inspired things I've ever done. Not only did it launch dad into what has become a life long passion for him, but we, his family, have been the ongoing beneficiaries of his recipe research and experiments. There is always something good cooking at my parent's house. These chicken wings are no exception. Dad found the recipe in a 1987 issue of Gourmet, for "deviled chicken wings". They are easy to make, relatively inexpensive (wings are cheap!), and insanely good. Great for appetizers for watching the playoffs, or as a main course with a side of Spanish rice. - Bonnie Foster
Yum.....may have to give these a try. - Bonnie Foster
REVEALED: The 100 Most Social Brands of 2009 -
Virtue’s Social Media Index (SMI) assigns brands and products a score based on overall buzz from status updates, videos, photos and blog posts. The company has tallied its results for 2009 and released its top 100 social brands based on index scoring, with last year’s winner — the iPhone — reigning supreme once again. - Bonnie Foster
Think I'm slowly becoming very bah humbug about Christmas since I'm always glad when everything is over. :/.
Think I'm slowly becoming very bah humbug about Christmas since I'm always glad when everything is over. :/