.@Crossfire I vote for Yes.
Help make it happen for MiLifePlus: Bluetooth Health Sensor For iPhone and Android on @indiegogo http://www.indiegogo.com/MiLifeP...
"Don't judge your artwork based on your first 3 or 4 attempts," create art for the trash can. @ErikWahl #g5lead
Ouch :-(. Women accountants & auditors make 75 cents to the dollar men earn #NarrowTheGap http://narrowthegapp.com/?i=45
Enter to win your choice: a Nikon or Canon 70-200 lens & camera from @viewbug and Scott Bourne. Please RT. Info at: http://photofocus.com/2011...
#Apple, I like you, but if you can't FULLY integrate #iCloud calendar with Outlook, please get the hell out of the way.
Self Developments Greatest Books For Free | A Daring Adventure http://www.adaringadventure.com/life-co... via @TimBrownson. Great comments too!
RT @paulocoelho: Life is not the harbor. Life is the boat
Enter to win a new Canon 5D MK II camera body & 1 yr @AnimotoPro from Scott Bourne. Please RT. Info at: http://t.co/Kkqthj6
RT @yehudaberg: When we choose to hide our mistakes, we are operating in the domain of the ego
RT @StevenAndrewsBP: "Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most." - Unknown
Enter to win a new Canon 5D MK II camera body & 1 yr @SmugMug Pro membership from Scott Bourne. Please RT. Info at: http://photofocus.com/2011...
I thought the Courier project looked interesting. Can't wait to see what happens with this: http://kck.st/eN7WLX . Good luck, @taposeapp!
LOVED it, thanks :-)! RT @Ihnatko: For anybody who missed it: my epic iPad 2 review went up yesterday. ยป http://www.suntimes.com/technol...
RT @degusta: New blog post: Digital Subscription Prices Visualized (aka The NY Times Is Delusional) http://theunderstatement.com/post...
True!! RT @SmartBoyDesigns: Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting. -John Russell
RT @lbelgray: New post! "3 reasons we should all shut up about passion." http://talkingshrimp.com/passion...
RT @DrLynneSherman: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
RT @dvogel7921: Instead of wondering when your next vacation is you ought to set up a life you don't need to escape from. ~ Seth Godin
RT @tarasophia: Love this Anne Lamott article on pursuing your art/calling. http://www.sunset.com/travel...
RT @BreneBrown: My mantra when I'm trying something new and feeling awkward + goofy: Effort + the courage to show up = enough.
Me too, please!! RT @hughmcguire: more hours in the day, please.
RT @ralphmarston: Never forget that the pain, however difficult, is confined to just a small portion of who you truly are.
RT @GaryLoper: I don't care how old I live; I just want to be LIVING while I am living! ~ Jack Lalanne
RT @GaryLoper: Live out of your imagination, not your history ~ Stephen Covey
RT @HildyGottlieb: "If we do not live by our values when we r put 2 the test, they r not values - they r hobbies." Jon Stewart (& writers)
Very interesting article, thanks @ftrain for the food for thought! http://www.ftrain.com/wwic...
Oops! " the highest testimony 2 the satisfaction of the iPad user exp is 5 min in2 yr 1st test flight, yr willing 2overlook the name."
RT @ShutterSisters: when you look at you, what do you see? how about awesomeness? http://shuttersisters.com/home...
RT @lesmckeown: WEEKEND POST: Transform 2011 with these two words => http://predictablesuccess.com/blog...
RT @hymlayoga: May all beings be happy, may all beings be peaceful, may all beings be free from suffering. #hymla