
人人网 - 浏览日志 - 原研哉798讲座PPT - http://blog.renren.com/blog...
很欣赏“智慧不在脑袋中”而是在“自然界”的观念和高浜虚子的客观写生异曲同工!客观化有助于走向清晰。 - FeelStuffs
为什么说 Siri 是划时代的产品 - http://bbs.weiphone.com/read-ht...
Google Glass | Best Inventions of the Year 2012 | TIME.com - http://techland.time.com/2012...
The Marketing Genius of Steve Jobs - Part Two | Under The Influence with Terry O'Reilly | CBC Radio - http://www.cbc.ca/underth...
How Do You Manage A Design Classic, When Tastes Change Constantly? | Co.Design: business + innovation + design - http://www.fastcodesign.com/1670428...
MoMA | The Collection | Sam Lucente, Richard Sapper, Robert P. Tennant, John Karidis and IBM Corporation. Think Pad 701 Portable Computer. 1995 - http://www.moma.org/collect...
The Marketing Genius of Steve Jobs - Part One | Under The Influence with Terry O'Reilly | CBC Radio - http://www.cbc.ca/underth...
Jonathan Ive: Apple's goal isn't to make money (Wired UK) - http://www.wired.co.uk/news...
"it is a designer's responsibility to understand potential opportunities and be familiar and fluent with technologies that could enable the creation of products that fit with those opportunities." - FeelStuffs
The History (And Artistic De-Evolution) of Patent Drawings | Gadget Lab | Wired.com - http://www.wired.com/gadgetl...
Products - Products - Lenovo Blogs | About the keyswitch,it is more interesting to read the feedback,you will get more there! - http://blog.lenovo.com/product...
裸身裸心裸奔吧 Be Naked ! | PEGA Blah Blah - http://blah.pegadesign.com/index...
KONSTANTIN DESIGN | The sense of tense geometry is inspired - http://www.konstant-in.net/design...
Developers on the X1 Carbon - Project - Design - Lenovo Blogs - http://blog.lenovo.com/design...
“The Rabbit Hole” by LENS°ASS Architects| - https://www.facebook.com/photo...
你肯定没全见过史上最全ThinkPad秀 |笔记本评测 www.3Gfan.com - http://www.3gfan.com/article...
Boyfriend Of The Week: Nick Offerman | Crushable - http://crushable.com/other-s...
Products - Lenovo Blogs|Lenovo 也要借着Thinkpad分一杯Ultrabook的羹了! - http://blog.lenovo.com/product...
AOAC/connected standby技术倒是真正能在Ultrabook上看到的一大亮点!About Connected Standby:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums... - FeelStuffs
David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence | Video on TED.com - http://www.ted.com/talks...
Bulavkus USB flash drive- Art. Lebedev Studio - http://www.artlebedev.com/everyth...
Nice Artwork of steve Jobs | Designtuto.com - http://designtuto.com/12-nice...
彼得卒姆托的轻博客 - http://zumthor.tumblr.com/
A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design///一手打造IPAD交互模式的Apple交互大师对Slide the "picture under glass" 这种牺牲了双手丰富触觉的麻木互动范式的反思!附加他的一个演讲:Inventing on Principle 很值得一看!///http://v.youku.com/v_show... /// - http://worrydream.com/ABriefR...
保罗-格雷厄姆的<设计者的品味>试读//豆瓣读书 - http://book.douban.com/reading...
"Paul Graham" - FeelStuffs
Google 紀念拉鍊發明者吉德昂·逊德巴克誕辰132週年搜素首頁設計,輕輕一拉就將“衣服”裡面包裹的“內容”展現給大家!很直觀的一種操作! http://www.google.com.hk/ - http://cnbeta.com/article...
飞利浦能持续20年时间的灯泡设计 /Tech News 24h! - http://www.technews24h.com/2012...
Steve Jobs On Technology, Hollywood And How Running A Company Is Like Running A Marathon | Fast Company - http://www.fastcompany.com/magazin...
Philippe Starck Reportedly Collaborating with Apple - Core77 - http://www.core77.com/blog...
Actually I'm interested in the project of "revolutionary" - FeelStuffs
Steve Jobs and Paul Rand///The impact of confidence///idsgn - http://idsgn.org/posts...
The designer who voluntarily presents his client with a batch of layouts does so not out prolificacy, but out of uncertainty or fear!!! - FeelStuffs
Global Design 2012 | Design | Wallpaper* Magazine 一窺設計大國的產品設計 - http://www.wallpaper.com/design...
Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design \\\康斯坦丁-格里克的MEDICI椅,从木匠利索而直接的组装片状木板的行为痕迹中捕捉到“匠韵”使形式从结构中跳出!“Designing for Mattiazzi was like a personal time travel, taking me all the way back to my professional roots.”我觉得这种往回穿梭的归零式思考除了给我们带来体验感外,还解读到了“康”对待设计的态度! - http://konstantin-grcic.com/project...
英特尔核心的智能手机下个月登陆! - http://www.engadget.com/2012...