Fearless Mind Explorer + Creator of Business Mindhacks: Business Psychology/Coaching, Archetype Branding, Lifehacks, WordpressHacks, INTP http://3on.us/mindhacks
RT @erichippeau: RT @cdixon: Number of Internet users today vs 90s is about 100x. Multiply that by time spent and overall usage is probably near 1000x.
RT @SammyWalrusIV: @jyarow @nichcarlson too complicated for twitter, but for now I'll just say look at Spotify's true business model (nothing to do with music)
RT @davewiner: I want great open publishing tools that don't require you give it all to a billionaire just to get attention. http://scripting.com/2014...
RT @modestproposal1: HD breach bad for any company that has customer credit cards on auto renew. Forces customers to review and re-sign up for services.
RT @bob_grahame: Just finished amazing #homeland by @doctorow - George Orwell meets Neal Stephenson for the current generation. Read this, then pass it on!
RT @Laurie_Garrett: In +30yrs attending @UN mtgs I have never seen such united nations as I witnessed today w/ passage by 130 gvts of resolution to fight #Ebola
RT @jayrosen_nyu: David Gregory was paid $4 million just to go away quietly. http://pagesix.com/2014... NBC could employ 50 young reporters for a year with that.