Choose obvious over clever every time. - AJ Kohn
Re: How to Use the New Twitter Analytics Dashboard -
"No problem. Glad I could help point you in the right direction. Lots of fun stuff you can do with the data and I'm hopeful that some Excel gurus out there will start playing with it and contribute additional ideas." - AJ Kohn
Re: How to Use the New Twitter Analytics Dashboard -
"Yes @Zack Lim, since I wrote this post the analytics package is now available to everyone and is far more easily accessed. In addition, you might want to check out the 'Websites' option which allows you to see all Tweets from a website. All it takes is the addition of a meta tag in the head of your site. Thanks for your kind words and happy analyzing." - AJ Kohn
Evidence Grows That Online Social Networks Have Insidious Negative Effects | MIT Technology Review -
Who creates trends in online social media? -
Analyzing the Language of Food of Social Media -
Re: A Long, Ugly Year of Depression That’s Finally Fading -
"We're not close but I've talked with you enough and watched you long enough to have noticed that you were ... unhappy for some time. But as an acquaintance it's bloody difficult to do anything about that. "Hey Rand, why so serious?" Yeah, that's not going to happen. So I was happy when you stepped down as CEO because you seemed ... lighter. I didn't really care what it meant to Moz. I just knew that someone who I thought was smart and generous had gotten rid of that dark rainy cloud following him around. Like @Will Critchlow seeing you blog about this makes me feel like you're healing. Now, I don't know if I've ever been depressed. I had a breakdown in 2003 after my wife had a miscarriage and being severely unhappy being in the fallback job I took during the dot bomb nuclear winter - literally sobbing uncontrollably at work. And I totally get the mindset of magnifying the negatives and rationalizing away the positives. I did it (and still do to some extent) for years. My employment..." - AJ Kohn
Co-Occurrence as a Ranking Signal -
Norse - IPViking Live -
Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook -
Not surprisingly, the most important thing is to have the right features: those capturing historical information about the user or ad dominate other types of features. Once we have the right features and the right model (decisions trees plus logistic regression), other factors play small roles (though even small improvements are important at scale). Picking the optimal handling for data freshness, learning rate schema and data sampling improve the model slightly, though much less than adding a high-value feature, or picking the right model to begin with. - AJ Kohn
Building a deeper understanding of images | Research Blog -
These technological advances will enable even better image understanding on our side and the progress is directly transferable to Google products such as photo search, image search, YouTube, self-driving cars, and any place where it is useful to understand what is in an image as well as where things are. - AJ Kohn
Predicting Contribution Quality for Knowledge Base Construction and Curation -
Astronautalis – Dimitri Mendeleev -
Re: Google Authorship May Be Dead, But Author Rank Is Not -
"Correct @Aaron Bradley. I actually covered that in my 2012 presentation on Rel=Author at SMX West." - AJ Kohn
IBM Research: Brain-inspired Chip -
The architecture can solve a wide class of problems from vision, audition, and multi-sensory fusion, and has the potential to revolutionize the computer industry by integrating brain-like capability into devices where computation is constrained by power and speed. These systems can efficiently process high-dimensional, noisy sensory data in real time, while consuming orders of magnitude less power than conventional computer architectures. On one hand, with portable devices: think smart phones, sensor networks, self-driving automobiles, robots, public safety, medical imaging, real-time video analysis, signal processing, olfactory detection, and digital pathology. - AJ Kohn
Re: Google My Business Profiles Start Ranking In Non-Branded Searches -
"Interesting observations here Andrew. It makes sense that Google would start doing this. The Google My Business profile gives Google geography and category information. From there it's just a hop, skip and a jump to matching it up with query syntax. The intriguing part is the idea that the highest natural result that has this knowledge graph connection via Google My Business is also given a Knowledge Panel treatment. If that pattern holds then it's a huge advantage for that business." - AJ Kohn
Reading: The future of content consumption through the eyes of Yahoo Labs (Need to see actions, not words.) #yahoo
Grumbling: Close variant matching for all exact and phrase keywords (Savvy advertisers lose more control.) #ppc
If Data Is Sexy Then Twitter Analytics Is Channing Tatum
Reading: What Happened When I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days (Super Size Me for Social.) #facebook
Reading: Facebook Closing The Door on Like-Gates (See what I did there?) #facebook #aboutbloodytime
Why aren’t you more excited about Twitter Analytics? #analytics #social
Reading: Gardens, Not Graves (Tending to your chronological content. Ugh! I need to do this.) #content #blogging
Saving: How We Read (I absolutely adore this piece. Awesome information here.) #ux #readability
Reading: Decoding the Google Answer Box Algorithm (Not decoded really but good observational data here. ) #seo
Reading: How SEOs Can Dominate with Early-Stage Content (Amazed this isn't par for the course.) #seo
Reading: How Entities (and Knowledge Cards) Can Help With Query Intent (Disambiguation and intent aggregation.) #seo
Reading: Why aren’t App Constellations working? (Nice round up of opinions here.) #apps #unbundling