Abhishek Tiwari

Solutions Architect. I build real-time polyglot applications with big data in the cloud.
Sydney's new train map likely to confuse visitors, experts warn | http://m.smh.com.au/nsw...
Understanding gunicorn's async worker concurrency model | http://words.volant.is/article...
The Call of Python 2.8, there will not be a Python 2.8 but Python 2.7 to be supported till 2020. http://blog.startifact.com/posts...
What kind of project would you NOT use Python for? http://www.reddit.com/r...
click, a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces http://click.pocoo.org/...
The Untold Story Of Larry Page's Incredible Comeback | Business Insider http://www.businessinsider.com.au/larry-p...
RT @Knightcartoons: Then the Royals went to the Rock, without George. This cartoon was knocked back by my editors! https://twitter.com/Knightc...
“Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with passion.” —@bchesky https://t.co/dpBfNhh8FL
Microservices - Not a free lunch! http://contino.co.uk/blog...
RT @oleiade: #Akka integration in #Play framework is one of the best thing that happened to web ever IMO.
RT @timesofindia: Today's toon by Ajit Ninan 😉 https://twitter.com/timesof...
Simplifying Django - Programming - O'Reilly Media http://programming.oreilly.com/2014...
Dropwizard, Flask, Express or Sinatra. Depending on your language choose one
How Japan Copied American Culture and Made it Better http://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel...
David Jones: The foreign brands are here because Australia is rubbish at retail http://m.theage.com.au/busines...
Google Lifts Veil On "Andromeda" Virtual Networking http://www.enterprisetech.com/2014...
RT @odersky: Good advice "from the trenches": Transitioning to Scala. https://t.co/aWirFLgbaO
RT @KanchanGupta: Received this in my mailbox today:) https://twitter.com/Kanchan...
RT @neilfws: fun fact: due to time zone differences, most Australians choose to completely ignore the Web on April 2.
RT @paul_irish: Let's get the implementation of <picture> in Chrome & Opera funded! http://www.indiegogo.com/project... Yoav can make it happen.
RT @cmswire: Adobe, Intershop Integration Boosts E-Commerce #cxm http://www.cmswire.com/cms...
Decoupling Deployment and Release- Feature Toggles - http://abhishek-tiwari.com/post...
Measuring CDN Performance, Availability and Scalability - http://abhishek-tiwari.com/post...
Indian Biosciences and Research Institute - http://www.slideshare.net/IBRINOI...
ANTICANCER THIAZOLIDINONES DESIGN: Mining of 60-Cell Lines Experimental Data - http://www.slideshare.net/o_devin...
GRM 2011: KEYNOTE ADDRESS-2: Integrated Breeding -- Impact and challenges for crop productivity in Africa - http://www.slideshare.net/GCProgr...
GRM 2011: ISMU pipeline for NGS data analysis and facilitating molecular breeding - http://www.slideshare.net/GCProgr...
GRM 2011: Introduction to the crop ontology tool - http://www.slideshare.net/GCProgr...