[mi sembra un peccato relegare questo link in un commento che verra` ignorato] How the CIA made Google https://medium.com/@Nafeez...
As our governments push to increase their powers, INSURGE INTELLIGENCE can now reveal the vast extent to which the US intelligence community is implicated in nurturing the web platforms we know today, for the precise purpose of utilizing the technology as a mechanism to fight global ‘information war’ — a war to legitimize the power of the few over the rest of us. The lynchpin of this story is the corporation that in many ways defines the 21st century with its unobtrusive omnipresence: Google. - d☭snake
Google styles itself as a friendly, funky, user-friendly tech firm that rose to prominence through a combination of skill, luck, and genuine innovation. This is true. But it is a mere fragment of the story. In reality, Google is a smokescreen behind which lurks the US military-industrial complex. - d☭snake
daje - .mau.
Ah, ma c'è anche il sequel "Why Google made the NSA" - Fabs
like a non so bene cosa adesso apro il link - Lorenzo R v rs