What do non-native English speakers think of the English language? - http://www.quora.com/English...
In English (language): Meryn Stol voted up this answer. Kaushal Hooda In one word : CHAOTIC It's got it's pros and cons like others. The vocabulary size is ridiculously huge, so there is always a word to fit what you want to say. Plus it's relatively easy to become familiar with. But mastering it is another thing. First off, the grammar is really complicated in weird ways if you get into the nitty-gritties of it and has so many exceptions that I've plain stopped caring about it. So long as what I say makes sense to me, I'm good.Then there's the pronounciation - it is literally impossible to tell by looking at a word how it should be pronounced. Especially to blame are the "silent" letters in word. As a non-native english speaker who has watched hundreds of hours of movies/tv and read over 300 english books, I am still sometimes stumped by the way people choose to pronounce a word. In contrast, in Hindi, my native tongue, every word is pronounced exactly as it is spelled.There's a... - Meryn Stol