beh beh, guardatevi quest'intervista di Varoufakis alla BBC e ditemi se non c'e` un problemino di narrazione sulle faccende greche.
cita proprio il caso Pireo e fa una precisazione o sbaglio? intorno al min 11. - Aldo Oldo
si, dice sostanzialmente che e` d'accordo con fare affari con la cina o altri, non e` d'accordo nel privatizzare e svendere per due spiccioli gli asset di valore. Insomma mi pare faccia capire che i cinesi dovranno alzare la posta. - d☭snake
in pratica dice ai cinesi che il modello greco per accettare investimenti stranieri è quello cinese - Aldo Oldo
Belin come l'ha presa a schiaffi. - naltro
- Greece wants to discuss directly with their partners said Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis in an interview broadcast on News Night of BBC Two, by saying that the question is not who is going to make it back. Under , the incorrect translation and returns the story of what he said gave the impression created regarding the episode Jeroen Dijsselbloem afternoon Friday Yannis Varoufakis speaking on the show's Newsnight BBC2. Indeed, during the interview not missed the intensity with Finance Minister going so far as to ask the hostess Emily Maitlis stop interrupts "unkindly." "We are ready to discuss with the IMF, the EU, the ECB and each EU Member State but the troika has two levels: one the institution with which we are ready to discuss and negotiate the second of the officials who are good people and I have nothing with them but called for the implementation of the program by checking numbers on an unworkable program that does not produce results, "he noted the Minister of Finance. The Yanis Varoufakis said Greece and the Eurogroup have "mutual interest" Recovery of Greek economy in the Eurozone. Fill fact that Athens will not unilaterally move as regards efforts renegotiating the bailout deal. Asked if Germany trusts the Greek Finance Minister replied "yes to trust." Regarding the reforms and privatizations, the Yanis Varoufakis said that we want to continue the reforms. Personally I assure you that privatization on the Cosco, has my full support, although most privatizations have been the last today resemble sellout and profits have gone into the black hole of debt repayment. --> - Sei Dee già Pulp
I wall of text fatti con google translate sono proprio necessari? - Snowdog ★ ★ ★
Non ho trovato sintesi del contenuto dell'intervista su stampa non greca. Altrimenti avrei linkato altro. Se lo trovi, anzi, postalo pure. - Sei Dee già Pulp
Devo dire che, al di là di ciò che riuscirà o meno a fare, Terminatoropoulos mi piace parecchio. - Ubikindred