Wikileaks Reneges Bradley Manning Promise -
"We understand the difficult situation Wikileaks currently faces as the world's governments conspire to extinguish the whistle-blower website," explained Jeff Paterson, Bradley Manning Support Network steering committee member and project director of Courage to Resist ( "However, in order to meet Bradley Manning's legal defense needs, we're forced to clarify that Wikileaks has not yet made a contribution towards this effort. We certainly welcome any contribution from Wikileaks, but we need to inform our supporters that it may not be forthcoming and that their continued contributions and support are crucial." - tehKenny
Julian Assange: Total Douchebag. Nothing clairifies my position on Assange and Wikileaks more that this right here. This isn't about some grand fight against government secrecy, this is about fame-whoring and grand-standing. Way to go. - tehKenny