Re: "Silo-free" is not enough -
Mar 28, 2015
"Remember I've been down this path twice, with Manila and Radio UserLand. The reason it'll work better with MyWord is that the UI will stay focused on the new user, and the complexity will add out from a simple core, where the things newbies want to do quickly are the only things that are in your way, so it's hard to miss. WordPress made a fundamental mistake, imho, in the way they organized the UI. They spread it all out uniformly. As a result you have to dig through lots of layers of UI to find things that are very commonplace. I know this well because I've coached a few low-tech users through using WordPress, and I myself have a low tolerance to complexity and get overloaded quickly. WordPress gave up on the battle against complexity at startup. Once you've built your functionality tree that way, you can't really change it. I know that because I've made those mistakes myself, in the early days with Frontier. You don't want to go too fast just because you can. The mistakes you make..."
- Dave Winer