Mashable, "Don’t fear, your Wave invite is probably coming. The team managing the product is based in Australia (Australia), and according to Stephanie Hannon, product manager for Wave, they “want to be awake to support you all!” That means that invites likely won’t start going out until this evening US time – Thursday’s work hours in Australia."
It's 5:30am in Australia.... So maybe in a couple hours they will roll out? - Ben Hanten
now you tell me... ;) - FriendFeedForever
It kind of makes sense. I can't imagine that all of my FriendFeed friends, who let's face it are a bunch of geeks, all missed out on invites. - Ben Hanten
Yeah, I have been surprised that NO ONE in my feed has been bragging about getting one yet! - Lindsay
Make that nearly 6am... - Roberto Bonini
Don't be lazy, Australian Google workers... It's almost 6:30am. Get to work. - Ben Hanten
Just finished my work, and it appears like the situation is the same. Still no friends with an invite? - Ben Hanten