Frame grabs from RED ONE camera - http://photos.echeng.com/gallery...
Howard Hall's frame grabs from a RED ONE camera in a Gates underwater housing. Howard sent me the images as 16-bit TIFF images, which I then converted to high-quality JPGs for the purpose of public viewing. Howard notes, "Keep in mind that we never had more than 30' visibility in Alaska and most of the images were captured in less than fifteen foot vis. he RED R3D file is a raw. "The camera creates a folder with the raw file plus four QuickTime proxy files of various sizes for each clip. You can immediately open the QT files on your laptop, but without color correction they don't look very good. RED supplies a program called RED Alert. It's a free download off their site. You can open the R3D file, do some sloppy color correction and grading to the raw. Then you can re-create the proxies and/or save a tiff image. "That's how I made the tiffs. I color corrected them on a non-calibrated Macbook pro. This is only useful for viewing in the field. I will do a more careful job in the edit room probably using REDs more detailed program, RED cine." - jho