Microsoft: Next version of Windows will be completely different - -
Feb 10, 2010
It only took 20+ years for them to figure it out how to make a good OS, but at least they finally did!
- Michael Fidler
Nah, MS have always had a "good" OS, not great, but good. They wouldn't dominate if their OS was truly crap.
- Mo Kargas
Monty Python: "And now for something completely different.....the Larch!" lol
- Melanie Reed
@Winckel Hardly detracts from their market dominance, no matter what we think. Every company wants a herd-mentality following. Fact of the matter is, most PCs ship with Windows. MS is well within the mobile space, corporate space, and they succeed. Sure their profits have taken a hit, but they are still on top.
- Mo Kargas
Ohh I agree on the WinMo front, it's a badly aging platform, despite some companies (Such as some HTC phones I think) ability to bring it up to speed. However, they are in the market - they just need to work on it.
- Mo Kargas
Mo, I agree, except I would like to point out that much of Microsoft's early success can also be attributed to their licensing of the OS, instead of selling it, or using it exclusively for themselves. For the record, Windows 3.1 sucked (which is not open for debate:D). However, it was their ability to sell it was nothing less than genius!
- Michael Fidler