Gillmor Gang Friday 10.17.14 LIVE recording at 9am PT/12pm ET
Here - Keith Teare
OK will bring you in soon Keith. Do you have your coffee? ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert Scoble? You here yet? - Tina Chase Gillmor
ketih calling you now - Tina Chase Gillmor
almost almost ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
morning - Kevin Marks
Almost here. :-) At least physically. - Robert Scoble
lost you - Kevin Marks
And we are on. Everything good? - Robert Scoble
wow, show is earlier than usual today - Chris Hale
Happy Belated Birthday Steve!! - Chris Hale
Um....5K - J.C. Bouvier
Iphone big ass - Chris Hale
Has it replaced your iPad Mini @Steve? - J.C. Bouvier
Hey Robert, what do you think about the new HTC devices, and the new Nexus 6? - Chris Hale
Lots happening in android land - Chris Hale
The Nexus 6 and Note 4 look awesome. - Robert Scoble
JC Steve "gave" me his iPad Mini a while ago. He's using the new phone A LOT - Tina Chase Gillmor
what kinda shocked me is that the nexus 6 is a motorola phone. The reason it shocked me is that one would have guessed that after google bought motorola it would have awarded a contract for nexus phones to motorola sooner. I just find it funny that motorola has built a nexus phone after they got sold to Lennovo - Chris Hale
TX @Tina. - J.C. Bouvier
oh, apologies in advance if I ramble today, I am working off of only 45 minutes of sleep over the last day - Chris Hale
Chris Hale - get some rest, Guy! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Thanks @Tina but like the song says, "Aint no rest for the wicked" - Chris Hale
really wishing i could clone myself - Chris Hale
Robert or anyone from the GG , anybody have thoughts about that new HTC action camera? Anyone seen one? - Chris Hale
I haven't. - Robert Scoble
craptic - Chris Hale
lol - Chris Hale
I did NOT see them in 1965 ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Brian Wilson did come out for the BBC though: - Kevin Marks
wow, 1965 that is -15 years before my Born on date - Chris Hale
well you're a puppy Chris H. ! Lucky you - Tina Chase Gillmor
So I just bought a fitbit this week. Figures the week i decided to buy one is the week that apple is booting the devices from retail stores - Chris Hale
Tina I am frozen - Keith Teare
Robert spies on people's computer screen... research, you know - Tina Chase Gillmor
If I close and reload Skype will you call me back - Keith Teare
too early for subtleties , Steve - Tina Chase Gillmor
agree with where Steve is going with his comment - Chris Hale
Makes it sounds like you almost need an ability to do detailed searchs on your notifications - Chris Hale
I wholeheartedly endorse IFTTT as a service - Chris Hale
I like FB Messenger - Tina Chase Gillmor
thx Christina - Tina Chase Gillmor
we're recording today btw at 2pm-ish PT - Tina Chase Gillmor
Good quality recording today - Moe Glitz
I dropped my landline number because it was only spam - Kevin Marks
Same here Kevin. Non stop PPI spam - Moe Glitz
Isn't @mentions the same as Notifications - Moe Glitz
Go Giants! - christina sponselli
there was something i saw in the news feeds about the new ipads that I think got downplayed . Apparently they are creating a new "Apple SIM" card i believe for the new ipads that allows you to jump on and off any cellular data provider you want to. Am i the only one who thinks this is huge news? A use case they describe is paying for a prepaid data plan in a foreign country. - Chris Hale
Oh no track - Moe Glitz
Apple new services are much more groundbreaking than their new Products - Moe Glitz
FB added emergency contact messaging. It will be interesting to see it used in a real emergency. - christina sponselli
Most people I know only use Facebook to goof around with family and friends. No one uses it for Social Media - Moe Glitz
nobody has 5,000 friends :) - David Malone
I was totally shocked they didnt put NFC into the new ipads. - Chris Hale
So 4K is dead already - Moe Glitz
Oh, here is another important newsworthy announcement. HBO announced they will be launching a plan next year that allows for subsciptions without having to have cable anymore - Chris Hale
and CBS is doing a steaming service - Tina Chase Gillmor
streaming - Tina Chase Gillmor
Just make all TV & Mobile Services as Apps - Moe Glitz
I love that the new screen is so big no apple device has a camera with enough pixels to fill it - Kevin Marks
picking up the Note 4 on ATT from Best Buy today - Da
its already starting to go that way - Chris Hale
This time of day is much better for us based in Dublin ... - David Malone
my iphone6 plus should be arriving hopefully today or monday - Chris Hale
I am wondering whether i will use it or my sony xperia z ultra more while i am on vacation in a week. - Chris Hale
I think the OnePlusOne looks good, much cheaper than the nexus 6 - Kevin Marks
David... yeah we like the early morning time here too but the energy of the Gang is a little lower due to not enough time to ingest enough coffee ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
apple has fixed the problem I complained about last year, but design thinking needs to catch up - Kevin Marks
I almost threw my iphone5s at the wall this week. Apple has some really crappy processes for developers. - Chris Hale
Steve, how is the battery life? - christina sponselli
OnePlusOne is just the beginning of Chinese phone push in US. - Da
Huwei also makes a decent looking phone. Shocking that they are able to make phones as inexpensively as they have been - Chris Hale
good for getting more phones in the hands of more people - Da
i bet you anything you will start to see cell phone companies start to allow preferential treatment for data by service. Tmobile has started this recently since they allow all music apps to not count against your data plans. I bet you att or verizon will try and say , you can watch hbo without affecting your data cap. What do you think Robert? - Chris Hale
yeah, how do I use this? ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
I use html - Kevin Marks
thats what I've been saying about iPhone size for a couple of years - Kevin Marks
there's a market to map beacons ... - David Malone
That is really cool Keith T! Is this some sort of open source initative? - Chris Hale
Keith... center yourself - Tina Chase Gillmor
Is he too much on the Android side Tina - Moe Glitz
I think Apple finally shipped my 2009 device wishlist - Kevin Marks
Beacons are super cool. I have an estimote kit. - Chris Hale
Love @scobelizer's 'how many of you have an iPhone' followed by 'how many of you have a beacon' at tech events. - Josh Bradshaw
Low energy bluetooth - David Malone
Apple still not pushing iBeacons at their Keynotes - Moe Glitz
I think beacons will revolutionize indoor location mapping - Chris Hale
amongst other things - Chris Hale
Lots of possibilities for home automation type things - Chris Hale
i might be behind a couple shows... but does the stream look amazing or is it just me? - Matthew Voshell
Beacons are revolutionizing the purchasing experience in Cafes in Downtown PA; the Downtown app puts this tech to work. - Josh Bradshaw
augmented reality plus beacons= awesomeness - Chris Hale
I believe most beacon apps are built to spam ... best to allow consumer to pull experiences ... - David Malone
Agreed Chris. - Josh Bradshaw
Beacon apps cannot be about spam. It gets too obtrusive. My phone's home screen is my personal property. More personal than junk mail in my mailbox, more personal than spam in my email. - Josh Bradshaw
The Internet of things - Moe Glitz
Robert is right. I talked about this a few shows ago, I dont think education and socializing beacons value proposition has been done very well. I think it is still in a fragile enough state, someone could do something dumb and really turn people off to this wonderful technology. - Chris Hale
mastercard i saw is realeasing a fingerprint card but i doubt it being ubiquitous - Matthew Voshell
Like his songs - Moe Glitz
If beacons=spam they will fail - Keith Teare is a poser... and sold out to popular music.. they are jsut god awful live - Matthew Voshell
beacons will be a simple waypoint with data that can be pulled - not pushed - Keith Teare
yes Keith. They have to be about enriching the experience. - Josh Bradshaw
i agree keith. I think the problem will be how to broker notifications and keep them from overwhelming someone. - Chris Hale
iPad Mini and iPod Touch are dying products - Moe Glitz
@Tina... what are the books in front of steve? - Matthew Voshell
Robert is right. Some people still want small phones because they are unwilling to give up their skinny jeans. - Chris Hale
Keith , agreed, we're developing a 'pull' mechanism by altering the power amplification in conjunction with the gyro sense in the device - David Malone
yea apple has TOO many products... ala gil times... they need to focus a tad more... like eating software bugs.. are they stretching thin? - Matthew Voshell
off topic... but i saw a very healthy looking coyote outside this morning - Tina Chase Gillmor
Software can save the planet - Moe Glitz
The pencil is a history. - Nir Ben Yona
Apples QA processes lately are shockingly bad. I really wonder how they are letting things slip in the way they have - Chris Hale
Tina, shoutout to Ptown - christina sponselli
apple still boasts its environmental checklist... kinda glossed over it.. but they still mention it - Matthew Voshell
if any company has the money to rectify that situation, apple does. - Chris Hale
Chris, I agree iOS 8 drops keyboards for inputs across messaging, etc - David Malone
@Chris... seriously.. what's with the skinny jeans.. you dont need to see the outline of my junk haha - Matthew Voshell
Apple is turning into a regular company with committees and politics. When teams can't work together effectively bugs creep in. - Robert Scoble
i absolutely hate skinny jeans and i live in austin where I make fun of all the hipsters that wear them - Chris Hale
ROI of 6 months.. thats what Corps want... - Matthew Voshell
NYC mayor decided to remove beacons from 500 payphones because of privacy; this is a beacon fail - Josh Bradshaw
Tesla are talking about wind powered charging stations - David Malone
their existing ones are solar powered - Kevin Marks
the only positive thing about skinny jeans is they squeeze everything tight enough to help prevent the wearer from being able to reproduce. No need to reproduce and fill the world with more hipsters - Chris Hale
Germany is doing a ton with wind power - Matthew Voshell
No mention of Google's latest earnings - Moe Glitz
End of rant - Chris Hale
need more nuclear too - Kevin Marks
or Netflix missing earnings? they are really going after HBO now with orig programming AND stand up specials... remember the HBO special? netflix going right after it - Matthew Voshell
anybody hear that rebox/verizons streaming movie effort is going to go dark - Chris Hale
@Chris.. yea.. too saturated... that said i always see people at the boxes at my market.. they love the vending machine type - Matthew Voshell
Redbox got netflixed - Da
Well I think the redbox stations will continue to be successful. - Chris Hale
I personally dont invest in apple or amazon or googles ecosystem for movies. I patronize Vudu. Really love vudu - Chris Hale
nuclear powered subs like in escape from LA? haha - Matthew Voshell
Solar would not work in Ireland, we need rain power ... - David Malone
As long as it's not iPhone batteries - Moe Glitz
we always have some wind - Tina Chase Gillmor
David: hah, I'll be in Ireland in a few weeks. It sure is green there! Maybe we will need to buy water from you. We need water in California. - Robert Scoble
What about the server farms of top Fortune 500 companies? Need a solution as well. - Nir Ben Yona
Nir: Atom chips. :-) - Robert Scoble
LED lights are awesome. My whole apartment has LED lights. - Chris Hale
@Robert the Webb Summit, saw you in a bar last year .. will meet you for a Guinness - David Malone
Robert: Ha! As of Haswell :) - Nir Ben Yona
The ones where they convert energy from ocean waves is pretty amazing and that goes 24/7 :) - Matthew Voshell
i read something about mini nuclear reactors that can power a neighborhood and they get buried somewhere in the neighborhood. - Chris Hale
well, it has a cyclic factor too based on tides, which precesses daily - Kevin Marks
localized power generation based on local resources - Da
I heard they were close to getting them legally able to be sold. It sounded pretty cool because the neighborhood gets together to purchase one and then all neighbors split the cost of it. - Chris Hale
And Arms Companies that feed off the political disruption in the Middle East - Moe Glitz
@Tina, this week Ustream is working a dream ... - David Malone
Steve, the whole viral icebucket challenge shows another successful crowd initiative - Chris Hale
crowd source democracy through affordable mobile devices - Da
Eurppe is more - Kevin Marks
i know power companies will pay you if you put solar panels on your house... they could easily crowd source energy from thier subscrubers - Matthew Voshell
germany has huge solar growth - Kevin Marks
@Kevin... yea germany is way ahead they are doing really amazing things.. a country the builds things still - Matthew Voshell
they don't want to stop. geez - Tina Chase Gillmor
Have a great weekend all. - J.C. Bouvier
GO KC!!! - Matthew Voshell
great show .... - David Malone
get some Scotte wear over here - Tina Chase Gillmor
though Germany turned off nuclear - Kevin Marks
@Robert... is that an apple display laying on the floor? - Matthew Voshell
Great show guys and Ladies! Have a great weekend - Chris Hale
thanks everyone!!!! great weekend. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Matthew: yes. It's a dead display, gotta take it back. - Robert Scoble
Great show, thanks! - Robert Scoble
Salesforce Niel young - Al Gore Youtube: - Arnie Klaus