Richest 1% is about to own more than everyone else put together: Oxfam - MarketWatch -
"We all know the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer — but the inequality gap may be widening faster than you think. Within two years, the top 1% will have more wealth than the remaining 99% of people on the planet, a new study says. Just in time for the billionaire-and-politician get-together in Davos, Switzerland, Oxfam’s report on Monday lays out the increasing concentration of global wealth among a small elite. This first chart, based on Credit Suisse Data from 2000-2014, shows how the bottom 99% has been losing wealth over the past decade or so, and the top 1% has been gaining" - CW
That's what hard work'll get you. And just think of all the job creation that will be done. - Eivind
Just can't wait for the trickledown to start.. - CW