Diana Butler Bass: Christians and Health Care Reform: No Baby Killers Here - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/diana-b...
"To call someone a "baby-killer," especially a serious Catholic like Rep. Stupak with his deep commitment to life, is nothing short of evil, akin to calling a Jew a Nazi. It is incongruous, and it is a lie. No truly Christian person, whether they identify with either pro-life or pro-choice politics, believes that babies should be killed. This is obvious in the case of pro-life Christians like Rep. Stupak who have spent a lifetime arguing against abortion. But it is equally true for pro-choice Christians, who do not believe in killing babies but do believe that women are trustworthy moral agents who, when they have access to excellent health care, will make choices that lower the abortion rates as do European and Canadian women." - Christopher Chung