Joseph Campbell...
"This bringing together of Joyce’s esthetic theory with the māyā idea was a wonderful illumination for me. I just woke up this morning and said, ”My god, I have finally got it after eighty years.” I have known the implications of esthetic arrest, but I’d never linked it up to the māyā idea. It is your mental attitude that determines whether you experience the projecting or the revealing power. The world is there in both modes. It is not that the world changes, it’s your consciousness." - Todd Hoff
The idea esthetic arrest as defining art is too pragmatic for me. It means something is art if it stops a viewer and transports them beyond categories. It doesn't leave room for an artist producing something by their process, but because of how it's received it's not therefor art. Intent matters as well. But neither results or intent are ever enough. - Todd Hoff