Wanted – volunteer ranger to keep national bird of Cornwall safe - “We need volunteer chough rangers who will be prepared to go out in all weathers – because the choughs are on their eggs in all weathers, at all times of the day and night” - http://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/Wanted-...
For years, since the choughs first magically reappeared in Cornwall, the RSPB has been masterminding their protection and management down at the tip of the Lizard Peninsula but, as breeding pairs have spread elsewhere around the county, the charity has decided to move its main chough-operations west and hand over the running of the original site to the Trust. There is just the one occupied nest at Lizard Point and it has had a colourful history. The original male bird was killed a couple of years ago by a younger incomer who promptly moved in with the bereaved female. She then mysteriously died a few weeks later. But he turned from villain to hero by successfully raising the chicks she’d left behind. Now he has his own female partner and the Trust will be keeping a very close eye on the pair as this year’s breeding season gets into full swing. - Halil