DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! Merkel wants to force EU states to coordinate their national tax, wages & retirement ages. http://www.spiegel.de/interna...
The problem is that the Euro-crisis is ably demonstrating how financial harmonisation across very different nation states doesn't work, and it's frustrating that - in spite of the failed Euro-experiment - the Eurocrats still think the answer is to enforce *more* harmonisation! - Andrew Terry
To say that Germany funds it all is not strictly true. Despite having our own currency, and despite our *not* being a member of the the Euro, the UK's exposure to bailouts is still a massive £8 billion... And yes Merkel has hoops to jump through, but where Eurocrat legislation is concerned, these hoops have a habit of evaporating... - Andrew Terry
Oh yes, Merkel likes retirement for all in the age of 80! - Solveigh Calderin