evanp on Open source social networks: what happens now? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"So, sure, the juvenile reading is there because I have a juvenile sense of humour. I crack up ever single time I look at the list of E14N servers. I think there's a likely point in the distant future where these servers will be shut down for additional registration -- maybe around the 1M user mark. If things ever go past that, it may be that having an @pumpyourself.com or @pumpity.net account will be a mark of pride. "I was there back when..." That all said, the "try it" link on pump.io will likely start going to a PaaS hosting service like AppFog or Openshift sometime in the future. Set up your own cloud site, and if you really like it, assign a domain name and get an HTTPS cert." - Evan Prodromou