Climatology versus Pseudoscience book tests whose predictions have been right | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian -
"On the flip side of the coin, climate contrarians have predicted anything from minimal warming to rapid global cooling. Their predictions have generally been terribly inaccurate, and yet the same people who have made these wrong predictions are still treated as credible experts by certain segments of the media. It seems as though their history of inaccurate predictions has no effect on their credibility. When scientists with a history of inaccurate predictions are treated with the same credibility as those who have made accurate predictions, that’s a problem." - Todd Hoff
Guess funds Dana Nuccitelli ? - Eric Logan
I personally think arguing over what the climate is or is not doing because we have such a little ability to change it is like a crust of bread fallen on a stove arguing with another crust whether the stove is getting hotter or colder. What to me the real issue we can do something about is responsible living on earth. - RetiredTeacherD
When it is financially viable which may be sooner than many expected if oil prices continue to slide. We will transition to something other than fossil fuels because it will be a real economic imperative. All the hand wringing and warning won't change anything globally because the majority of the world is energy impoverished. - Eric Logan