Up Market Permaculture - http://www.geofflawton.com/fe...
Just an amazing garden. Wish I could do that sort of thing here, but our trees have already matured. - Todd Hoff
did anyone get to the actual High End Permaculture video? all I get is 15 min sales pitch for his online course! - Maхx Tee
They seem to be redirecting to their class now. - Todd Hoff
I managed to get to it eventually. I think you may have to play the course video first. Try fast-forwarding to near the end of the video. - Ken Morley
Now I see it (and about 2 dozen other videos), looks like course promo is over. :) - Maхx Tee
But I am left puzzled, what is considered "high end" about the garden showed? - Maхx Tee
It was created for a very expensive house that previously had more traditional landscaping. It's also high end in a design sense. Creating lux relaxation spaces from a unique pallet of plants and design principles also gives a very high end feel. It's not strictly for production, it's not strictly utilitarian, it's obviously and capably designed to be enjoyed and give the owner a sense of themselves. - Todd Hoff
RE: 2 dozen other videos - I particularly enjoyed "5 Acre Abundance on a Budget" where he maps out his thought process on transforming one of his early, smaller properties. "Permaculture in Paradise" is also very inspiring. :) - Ken Morley
I took a permaculture class from him and he's an inspiring guy. These videos are really high quality, I like the direction he's taking in trying to preach outside the choir. - Todd Hoff
My wife has been talking up permaculture to me for the last year -- I should probably start paying attention. - Sean McBride