Last night, watching Stargate: Atlantis, Season 3, "Irresistible," we commented that we knew the guy with the pheromones and had seen him before. Turned out to be Richard Kind. Linda was convinced he was the father in The Wonder Years, but we'd also seen him in something more recent...
Checked this morning: Richard Kind's big series was Spin City (which we watched). So then checked Wonder Years. That was Dan Lauria and...well, the two do look a *little* like one another. Cosmic import: None. - walt crawford
("The guy with the pheromones"--avoiding spoilers, let's just say it was One Of Those Episodes, very much a break from the usual Serious Intensity.) - walt crawford
I always think of Richard Kind as the guy from Mad About You, Jamie's gynecologist. - Stephen Mack
One of many shows he was on (and more episodes than most), but 37 episodes compared to 145 on Spin, yeah, he was both. - walt crawford
Yeah, I just never watched Spin City :) - Stephen Mack
We're even. We never watched Mad About You. - walt crawford
Stalemate! - Stephen Mack
Never watched Spin City, but have very fond memories of Mad About You. - John Dupuis