Look to the night sky tomorrow night (Feb 17) and you might see asteroid Vesta | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news...
"The most prominent asteroid in the sky is currently yours for the perusing with binoculars -- and perhaps even the naked eye. Tomorrow night, Wednesday, Feb. 17, Vesta, the second most massive object in the asteroid belt, reaches what astronomers like to call "opposition." An asteroid (or planet or comet) is said to be "in opposition" when it is opposite to the sun as seen from Earth. In other words, if you were to stand outside with the sun directly above you at high noon, Vesta would be directly below your feet some 211,980,000 kilometers (131,700,000 miles) away. With Vesta at opposition, the asteroid is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit." - Kurt Starnes