A woman in San Clemente, California, found something 'shoking' in a Bible from a used book store (video) http://edition.cnn.com/video...
"As Marion Shurtleff was on her way out a bookstore in San Clemente, Calif., she remembered that she had meant to buy a few extra Bibles for her Bible study group. Shurtleff, 75, asked an employee if the store had used Bibles and he pointed her in the right direction. There were four or five versions, so she quickly picked two, paid and left. She noticed later on that one of the Bibles had some folded yellow papers inside but thought nothing of them until about two months later when she found herself with some free time and decided to take a look at the papers. What she found floored her." - Amira
"I opened it up and on the inside facing page...I started shaking," Shurtleff told ABCNew.com. "There was my name and my telephone number and I recognized my handwriting." There were three pages of thin yellow paper with a Girl Scout essay written in pencil. Shurtleff wrote it 65 years ago when was 10 years old. (...) Covington is more than 2,000 miles away from San Clemente. (...) She didn't recognize the Bible and saw that it had been printed in 1986, long after she wrote the essay. "The Bible wasn't mine and the Bible was printed in 1986 so it's not that old," she said. "Where the document was from the time I wrote it until 1986, I still have no idea." http://abcnews.go.com/US... - Amira
See also: The Things Found in Books | Flickr group http://www.flickr.com/groups... - Amira