Re: Focus On User Group Uses Google Algorithm To Attack Map Pack -
"No, the comment was solid as is, thanks. Your interpretation seems to be that marketing should be regulated. Should we ban Google from marketing their search engine? Sure, Google did everything they could to break up the browser monopoly. What would you have done if you were at the helm? But even with that 'choice' crap they figured out the best way to disrupt it was to simply offer a better browser. Remember, Microsoft could have outbid Google for the Mozilla contract. They just didn't. And you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink. So if all the marketing muscle leads to a poor experience then those people won't stick around. (See #scroogled campaign.) So Yelp and these folks are more than welcome to try this approach. More power to them. It's a free country. But in the end they're focused on the wrong things, the things that won't change their business or their reliance on Google. Marketing and product innovation FTW." - AJ Kohn