GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
I know you're going to OD on Apple, but don't forget to talk about Ello. I have a strange feeling it is really catching on, and once the news media says it is, more and more people will go. Not yet a threat to FB, but could threaten G+ or even LI - Francine Hardaway
Does anyone have an invite to Ello? - Tony Stanislawski
I do. What's your email? - Robert Scoble
Thank you Robert! - Tony Stanislawski
hi, can you please send another to [email protected] ? thanks in advance! - Jerome Hughes
Testes, testes, 1, 2. - Doc
Tony you are in. - Robert Scoble
So are you Jerome. - Robert Scoble
thanks! - Jerome Hughes
Here! - Chris Hale
And the dogs just went wild when Tina said mute was off - Francine Hardaway
Hey Doc! - Tom Guarriello
last? - Kevin Marks
The new iFlex 6 phone from apple. Not big-ass ready, alas. - Doc
what am I then? - Kevin Marks
does it bend? less bugs? - Da
No Kevin? - Tom Guarriello
new iphone joke. Is that an iphone 6plus in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? ROFL - Chris Hale
I'm here, just not intorduced - Kevin Marks
Hi Kevin! - Tom Guarriello
weak. Why no mention of Kevin! - Chris Hale
hey , my bday was this week as well - Chris Hale
Heia, ello invite anybody? - Ludwig Ederle
ooops. I walked into the shot. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Me too...LOL - Tony Stanislawski
Wow, no problems here with a Baby 6 - Tom Guarriello
iOS 8.0 works great on my iPhone 5s. How cheap are those now? - Doc
I have had wifi issues with IOS 8 all during beta - Chris Hale
Happy birthday Chris Hale - Tina Chase Gillmor
Thank you so much Tina! - Chris Hale
Ludwig: what's your email address? - Robert Scoble
You rock - Chris Hale
Im like John T. norush - Tina Chase Gillmor
Actually I like having a "small" phone. The 5S is a solid thing. - Doc
My iOS iphone 6 combo is doing great - Ludwig Ederle
Truth told, I like the feel of the 5s more than the Slippery 6, which I now have to put in a case - Tom Guarriello
wow my fingers are not working today - Tina Chase Gillmor
I also gave away my iPad. I can use the 6+ - Francine Hardaway
Movies, reading, surfing - Ludwig Ederle
Here :) - Nir Ben Yona
Oh it's bendable. I bent the + in the store no problem. - Todd Hoff
Apple is less and less magical - Da
Call me back. - Robert Scoble
Just died. - Robert Scoble
Can't we have more "in your pants" jokes? - Doc
Haha. Tiny thing in your pocket vs large thing in your lap. ROFL Kevin - Chris Hale
Sorry, its Friday humor - Chris Hale
it just works, until it doesn't - Da
Ludwig: just invited you. - Robert Scoble
Robert - Send me an Ello too - Keith Teare
Need email address. - Robert Scoble
can someone check if this is streaming on TechCrunch - Tina Chase Gillmor
Should there be three versions of apps: iPad, iPhone and iPhablet? - Doc
Finally got my Moto 360 watch this week. It works most of the time. Still kinda clumsy to use - Chris Hale
Interesting social side note. More women have noticed and asked about the watch than men - Chris Hale
How about the Bash Shell Shock vulnerability? - christina sponselli
Doc, I care about Health Kit. I just came from Health 2.0 and everyone was going to be included - Francine Hardaway
I saw some folks in my Facebook stream complaining about serious Ello harassment. - Tom Guarriello
I haven't tried it - Kevin Marks
Ello harrassment? - Francine Hardaway
Facebook bought WhatsApp to finish their messenger suite and complete their independence from Microsoft/Skype. #skypeschildren - Phil Wolff
iOS only; voice focused not in my center - Kevin Marks
That's what I saw in my stream, Francine - Tom Guarriello
Yes, Francine. Thanks. It's freaking huge. Think of all the medical research trials that can be done, using the accelerometer alone. I've talked to a number (2) of developers about that. They're jazzed. - Doc
Talko didn't impress me - Francine Hardaway
is this streaming through TechCrunch? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Without charging for Communication Services how will these Apps make any money - Moe Glitz
first is email spam. second is malware bots... - Doc
They're beginning to be able to predict certain diseases like Parkinson's or diabetes from locomotor signals, Doc - Francine Hardaway
Ads don't work on mobile - Moe Glitz
add in translation of voice to text - Jerome Hughes
That's what I gather. I'm game. - Doc
Agree with Moe - Keith Teare
Thanks. Robert! I think nextdoor is more interesting, have you guys seen it? - Ludwig Ederle
Moe and Keith, read Don Marti on ads: Brilliant shit. Great guy too. He should be a guest here. - Doc
I'm on Nextdoor but find it sort of clumsy - Tina Chase Gillmor
Talko completely gets the idea that conversations aren't phone calls. Voice is both sync and asynch; starts before and continues after synch'd talk; team communication a la Slack (for collaboration more than 1-1 convos); all cloud (no p2p) so all voice/video can be annotated, interpreted, translated, munged to add value. - Phil Wolff
I know some people who like Talko. Haven't tried it yet. - Doc
Talko sounds like Chatter done granular - clive boulton
I like the passive aggression of Ray Ozzie coming out with Talko first on Apple. - Doc
i just heard apple taco. Sounds like an interesting possible food. Lol - Chris Hale
Is BBM dead? - Moe Glitz
Talko is serious acquisition bait for Microsoft, Salesforce, or anyone that sells to business for collaboration. - Phil Wolff
Ballmer reportedly forbidding Apple devices for players on the Clippers. - Tom Guarriello
Heard Blackberry released there new phone the passport and it had 200k orders. Nothing really huge but still i guess worthy of being noted in chat - Chris Hale
Siri for talk-to-text is really good with iOS 8 - Doc
BBM is alive and kicking in Indonesia / Malaysia / Phillipines - clive boulton
My kids and nieces/nephews dislike speaking on the phone. I can't get anyone under 28 to pick up the phone. Well come to think of it nobody really wants to talk to me on the phone. Never mind. - Charlie Isaacs
I'm liking the Google Voice integration with Hangouts - Da
I heard they're killing Google Voice... anyone else? - Charlie Isaacs
Larry has been CTO since day 1. Even when someone else held the CTO role. - clive boulton
its been a slow week for tech. - Chris Hale
folding Google Voice into Hangouts - Da
nope, they're making it a feature rather than an app - Kevin Marks
There's a new Dumb and Dumber coming out, Dumb and Dumber To (yes, to) if you run out of things to talk about :-p - Charlie Isaacs
Seems pretty cool Keith . I will probably have to try it out - Chris Hale
chatting with Keith, though he doesn't know it yet. - Doc
How many people do you have working with you @Keith? - Chris Hale
Is wi-fi calling going to turn T-Mo / Apple into a new kind of telco - clive boulton
Been on Nextdoor since it started. But you guys aren't in my neighborhood:-) - Francine Hardaway
Chat got fucked when the big guys half-froze out XMPP/Jabber, back when. - Doc
phone numbers-- - Kevin Marks
So the best we can do is YACS. Yet Another Chat System - Doc
I love Keith's chat is nothing I really do anymore anywhere. Seems somewhat eighties to me - Ludwig Ederle
If folks can recieve the BBC iPlayer in your location than take a view at 'Terror at the Mall". So heartbreaking and unbelievable. - Moe Glitz
I can chat with guys to fix my pipes? ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
eStara used to do Click to Call pretty well, they were bought by Oracle - we also did that pretty well at Genesys; Avaya and Cisco do that too and there are about 20 CTI vendors that do Click-to-Call - Charlie Isaacs
Ain't tech great, Tina? - Tom Guarriello
He shouldn't do that on the road - Ludwig Ederle
on a related note Tina, this week I spoke to a company that wants to connect their endoscopes to the cloud - Charlie Isaacs
Click to chat is a natural line extension for Google AdWords. The client doesn't really matter; Google could pipe you to SMS, Hangouts, Whatsapp, et al. - Phil Wolff
i used to use meebo back in the day - Chris Hale
I used Meebo, Chris - Francine Hardaway
So imagine typing on the iPhone free apple watch in 2 years - Ludwig Ederle
Chat=talk don't type - Ludwig Ederle
CCTV and citizen media show the true horror of 4 Terrorists murdering 71 innocent civilians inside a Kenyan Mall - Moe Glitz
Google has the business relationships with web sites and experience helping merchants place ad snippets on pages. - Phil Wolff
Apple Watch free with a 2 year contract with you insurance company :-) - Carlos Cruz
Twitter was also over SMS. - Todd Hoff
Some nice quotable one-liners from Keith there. - Doc
My carrier t-mo still charges 10c per text on pay as you go - clive boulton
The weekly chat center show :) - Ludwig Ederle
he got some of that wrong - Tina Chase Gillmor
haha. - Chris Hale
Does Telegram fit in here somewhere? Its free and across platforms. - Hilary Talbot
sounds like someone is at the dentist (background noise) - Charlie Isaacs
Charlie Isaacs endoscopes will be obsolete in five years. Blood tests are replacing invasive tests like endoscapy - Francine Hardaway
what's that freakin noise? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Al Gore's series of tubes - Chris Hale
The universe is a big silo...that's what the string theorists say, right? - Tom Guarriello
Some Uber will reinvent Telex - clive boulton
it's not the endoscope that's uncomfortable, it's the stuff you have to drink prior to the procedure :) - Charlie Isaacs
but yes, you are correct Francine - Charlie Isaacs
I did't enjoy any part of the endoscope - clive boulton
Right. And there's a startup in SF, Exact Sciences, that delivers a 96% accurate colon diagnosis without all that. I just ordered one. FDA approved, Medicare eligible - Francine Hardaway Things have not changed all that much! - Tony Stanislawski
you can connect Chatter to anything by connecting to IFTTT - there's a Chatter channel - Charlie Isaacs
that's good but it's still asilo - Kevin Marks
I like tiiny - Ludwig Ederle
it runs on salesforce servers - Kevin Marks
i really like how Microsofts mobile OS blended communication into a central hub - Chris Hale
My 17 year old son sends 2000 texts a month. He also spends half an hour on the phone, entirely with his parents. Once in awhile he looks at email, and responds as if by text. - Doc
XMPP had the rooms abstraction which was quite complicated to use. Rooms are gone from the simpler chat systems used now. - Todd Hoff
The Silo that wins is the one that provides Social Commerce - Moe Glitz
I'm still using irc - Kevin Marks
IRC rocks. - Doc
that's my experience Doc - Charlie Isaacs
We've hardly started our work. Which is what? See? - Doc
we have pretty web irc now - Kevin Marks
Anything that involves typing is going away imho - Ludwig Ederle
i use irc to talk to any open source project or online service provider i use - Chris Hale
+1 Ludwig - Tom Guarriello
I like silos. They hold silage. - Phil Wolff
is Heroku a silo too Kevin? how about AWS? It runs on Amazon's servers - Charlie Isaacs
heroku they enable me to run code and host things that run arbitrary code - Kevin Marks
Twitter is going toward that model but I think it will get lost amongst the Twitter audience. A standalone App for Social Commerce will win - Moe Glitz
Pictures, Video & Voice. Typing is just a interstitial to explain pictures - Ludwig Ederle
That capitalism+democracy thing almost worked. Want a Fukiyama vs. Piketty smackdown. - Doc
so heroku is not a silo Kevin? I agree - Charlie Isaacs
Twilio is doing a great job bringing traditional telco services like SMS, MMS and corporate VoiP to the software developer community - Carlos Cruz
Somebody is dragging metal across a parking lot. - Doc
Time to reinvent cunieform - Doc
+ 1 Twilio - clive boulton
Languages are silos, Doc - Tom Guarriello
I am using twilio for one of my latest startup ideas. - Chris Hale
Michael Parekh, i believe. - Doc
It is purdy good - Chris Hale
Is there a dentist involved today? - Ludwig Ederle
Robert, you're so quiet today - Ludwig Ederle
Marc Canter. DUDE! - Doc
We're fixing an hole and there ain't no rain getting in - Moe Glitz
Other topics: CAPS LOCKS - Charlie Isaacs
heh - Phil Wolff
Not really sure if this is the greatest forum for this but figure what the hey. Anybody know of any cool startups hiring for a telecommute dev. - Chris Hale
What's going on in the Googleverse lately? - Ludwig Ederle
Will apple approve personalized apps? - Todd Hoff
Chris: talk to me. Offline. Maybe something in the UK. - Doc
cool - Chris Hale
Does anyone can recommend a good case for the iPhone 6 Plus? - Nir Ben Yona
Keith is a thinker, I love that! - Tony Stanislawski
Google+ feels as if run by Microsoft or apple lately. Looks as if they had a problem there? - Ludwig Ederle
I like the Kenzo iPhone cases: - Doc
Keith's point is that innovation comes from the edge, right? - Tom Guarriello
Facebook ain't the edge, that's for sure. - Tom Guarriello
Google+ needs to be put down. - Moe Glitz
Huh, He is not very great symbol of being Social...Dave Winer I mean... - Tony Stanislawski
Doc, thanks I'll check 'em out. - Nir Ben Yona
After United's performance last week, Keith? - Tom Guarriello
Notifications that's the name of the game - Moe Glitz
This just in: "A new iPhone software version (8.0.2) is available for the iPhone “Doc Searls’s iPhone”. Would you like to download it and update your iPhone now?" Y/N? - Doc
Keith is right about ManU - Tony Stanislawski
How are notifications any different than an inbox on your phone? - Todd Hoff
I'll be surprised if Dave Winer is still doing facebook development in 5 years. Especially if he starts to get traction with it. Watch for Facebook APIs to start changing... - Ian McGee
Notifications need to be curated (via machine learning) at an individual level. Otherwise will tend to be useless - Carlos Cruz
Notifications w/o tuning controls are the new email, - clive boulton
LOL Steve - Tony Stanislawski
Dave is just looping in Facebook. He's also dev'ing on DropBox and other places. But he's independent. - Doc
Ello now gives you emails when someone does something. - Francine Hardaway
Robert, have you lost weight/ - Doc
Dave is just having fun, Doc. He's doing his outliners and readers and editors like always, and just sending them places - Francine Hardaway
One solution would be a timer for your notifications that you could set... - Tony Stanislawski
Looking good! Method? - Doc
Hugely is right - Francine Hardaway
Keith, do you think LVG is humorously pompous? - Tom Guarriello
Agree about Dave, Doc & Francine. That's why I'll be surprised if he sticks with it. - Ian McGee
Tom - yes - Keith Teare
I get a kick out of his post-game interviews. He HATES British press! - Tom Guarriello
Android is fractured. - Doc
What do we want to be part of our internal conversation? That is the filter. - Arnie Klaus
Displaying on the home screen is merely a display option and that's a function of what apple allowed. But the idea is the same. In the olden days you would just pull up your email and watch the world go by. As everything sent mail as a form of notifications it was the same experience. And notifications suffer from the same pollution problems that inboxes suffer from. - Todd Hoff
my gmail is a great filter for notification across my androids and windows devices - Da
i agree with Kevin. IOS is fragmented as well - Chris Hale
Cue Kevin - Moe Glitz
is that a frequency generator in Doc's window sill? :) - Charlie Isaacs
We calculate 2x budget for android than iOS, usage still a fraction. Each $ earned costs 8 to 14 times more on android than iOS - Ludwig Ederle
Flipboard came out for Windows Phone and it does not even Flip! - Tony Stanislawski
Yesterday on my plane many, many people were using Android phones with big screens. First time I ever looked like Scoble always does. Many Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and 5s - Francine Hardaway
~85% Chin(a)ese have Android. Horses for courses! - clive boulton
that is a frequency receiver on my sill: an actual old-fashioned radio, with a dial and all. - Doc
Ello will be an interesting experiment for me...How much do I do no mobile vs. Desktop... - Tony Stanislawski
cool Doc - Charlie Isaacs
Taschek's Continuum: Happier-->Don't Leave-->Suck Less - Tom Guarriello
And the book with the curled cover is Halley's. - Doc
1.5% windows phone users, making 90% of the trouble:) 'where is the app for the 'leading OS' (being windows hahahaha) - Ludwig Ederle
telling that Android One came out in India first - Da
ello is a pain the neck on mobile - Kevin Marks
I dont understand elli yet. - Tina Chase Gillmor
meant ello - Tina Chase Gillmor
"Better than Evernote" is a tough concept for me to wrap my head around. I have so much stuff in there... - Tom Guarriello
ello is the Friendster experience fro a new generation - Kevin Marks
The important thing for Friday is Vivino was updated for IOS8 today! - Tony Stanislawski
The enterprise is becoming consumerized. - Francine Hardaway
I have a personal chip on my shoulder about evernote this week - Chris Hale
Gotta put the beep in there for many states - Tom Guarriello
Marc Andreesen seems to be pouring cold water on many ego driven start ups - Moe Glitz
From Ello Manifesto - You are not a product. :-) - Carlos Cruz
yes, two party consent law JT, varies in different states, stricter state wins :) - Charlie Isaacs
Hey, what about the bubble, a16z and co are talking about lately. Have u discussed that? - Ludwig Ederle
Paleo - Arnie Klaus
Shiny objects. I'm not excited by Yo - Francine Hardaway
Maryam is starving him - Francine Hardaway
She wants to keep him alive - Francine Hardaway
Right, API piles. Exactly. - Francine Hardaway
I want all my apps for health to connect into one platform that connects to my doctor - Francine Hardaway
HomeKit is way behind health kit because not as many people have connected homes - Francine Hardaway
Francine - amen - Tina Chase Gillmor
IFTTT is getting to be much more important - Tom Guarriello
Francine: exactly. - Robert Scoble
NAME THE SHOW - Tina Chase Gillmor
Francine, i agree with you but I think you will see homes starting to get smarter over the next couple of years. Price and complexity of devices is going down and with the proliferation of watches and phones I think we have a way to control all these things with ease - Chris Hale
The quantified self is an huge area for innovation. Apple Watch is just the beginning. - Carlos Cruz
What apps work with Healthkit right now? - Tony Stanislawski
Ello Shitty, Tina? ;) - Tom Guarriello
Not if 1) you rent your home, or 2) you live in an older home that's not so easy to wire for all these connected devices, Chris - Francine Hardaway
IOS The new Borg - Arnie Klaus
gtg - Kevin Marks
dunno. My photo for my profile imported sideways. interface is weird, to me - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tony, there are new research apps, very vertical; plus many changes to existing apps, such as Nike's, Fitbit's, Digifit's... - Doc
iOS and Android are the 2borgs. - Doc
Continuous glucose monitoring, heart monitoring, otoscopes, all on apps right now - Francine Hardaway
Ello. This weeks Number One new App of the Week - Moe Glitz
Diagnosis will be digital in less than five years - Francine Hardaway
I dont agree with that one francine. I rent my apartment and I know of tons of startups that are making home auto devices meant to retro fit into places you cant permantly wire things - Chris Hale
Ello now gets 38,000 registrations per hour, according to founder. - Nir Ben Yona
I watch that! I really like it. - Francine Hardaway
Clearly a failure, Nir. :-) - Doc
Great British Bake Off is a hoot for foodies - Tom Guarriello
It's easier to get to 1 million than it is to keep them. - John Taschek
Doc, It's an invitation only :) - Nir Ben Yona
There's too much to watch right now. Masters of Sex, Manhattan, Good Wife, and I watch Nashville (secretly) - Francine Hardaway
I keep my eye on all the kickstarter and indiegogo companies that are entering the home auto realm. there are tons of companies that are gearing up to release products - Chris Hale
Tina: Sobering Ello Shots - Charlie Isaacs
Chris, send me some I can use - Francine Hardaway
sure, what type of devices are you looking for? - Chris Hale
lockitron, august for door locks - Chris Hale
scoutalarm is just launching for home alarm systems. (Mine should be arriving next week) - Chris Hale
Here is one I am really excited to see come out at some point soon. - Chris Hale
it goes over your light switch and actuates it for you using an app - Chris Hale
Brivo Labs builds connected locks that are beacon-enabled; they run on "silo'd" salesforce :) - Charlie Isaacs
automated light i backed recently on kickstarter , - Chris Hale
good show. - Doc
Definitely. @doc how do i msg you privately? - Chris Hale
that's cool Chris - Charlie Isaacs
Rackspace sweet spot is PII data in the cloud. - clive boulton
Chris, first name @ last name dot com or DM @dsearls - Doc