The 9 Weirdest Implications Of The Many Worlds Interpretation -
Related: Is there an evil, goateed version of you somewhere in the multiverse? - 2010 Jun 29 - Victor Ganata
I'm going to cop to admitting that I still don't truly understand what's going on with Shrodinger's cat. - Kevin (aka ThreadKilla)
That's one of the selling points of the Many Worlds Interpretation: you don't have to believe that the cat is simultaneously both dead and alive in the same universe like you do with the Copenhagen interpretation :D - Victor Ganata
Wait. There's a version where we have to believe if Copenhagen is dead or alive at the same time? - bentley
LOL, that just gave me an idea for a show: it would be like "Under The Dome" except that the dome is opaque and the trapped city would be attached to radionuclide trigger that sets off a self-destruct sequence. So if a beta particle decays, the entire city is dead but if not then the entire city survives, and no one outside the city has anyway of knowing what's happening. - Victor Ganata
"like a bubble in a frothy stream of cosmos-spawning stuff" - Ken Morley
Sounds like a pot boiler I could get into. - Micah