Giving children tools early in their life to deal with trauma [Monjoronson, TM Archives - 4/19/13]
It is unfortunate that most parents have not been trained in how to deal with trauma, either in their own lives, or in how to teach their children how to deal with trauma. Trauma is a multi-level situation that is both emotional, social, immediate, [and] future projected, and must be dealt with in a way that assists the child to move through it. - Mitchell Tsai
One of the reasons for such great numbers of victims with PTSD is that they were never trained in how to move through trauma, either to grieve it and accept it eventually and to move on, or to forgive it and to move on. Trauma is one of the situations that leave memories in the mind of the individual, yet the individual has not been taught how to deal with the thoughts of those memories. - Mitchell Tsai
It is not the memories that cause great difficulty, but the immediate thoughts of the individual concerning those memories. When thoughts take on reality, then the individual is living in a traumatized fantasy or a dream world of a nightmare of sorts. - Mitchell Tsai
It is important that these processes be taught to children as much as children are taught how to prepare their own meals in a Home Economics class in school, or how to change their oil in an Automotive Shop class. The practical, pragmatic functions of living as an emotional/spiritual being necessitates that every individual be taught how to sustain themselves emotionally and intellectually through the process of trauma and grief and grieving. - Mitchell Tsai
When children begin to have thoughts of worry and concern, and thinking about the trauma that occurred, they are old enough to receive instruction how to deal with their thoughts. They might not have the capacity of intellect or vocabulary to understand the depth of discussion, but they can definitely take on the thought, the comforting words that “this will not be the same tomorrow,” and you will not feel the same about it next week, or in two weeks. - Mitchell Tsai in a society that is moving towards social sustainability will be changed; it will be changed in the courts in tort law, it will be changed in the deliberateness of how to raise children to think constructively about negative thoughts and how to bring peace to their thinking. Family dynamics and the work of parents will change tremendously. It will not change radically for couples that choose not to have children, but for couples that choose to have children, their roles as parents will change immensely. - Mitchell Tsai