Dear Conservative Movement: Stop Ruining My Life, by Michael Brendan Dougherty | The Awl -
"So, yeah. [We conservatives are] supposed to be happy. I know we’re all talking about the glory days of 1994, or 1984. I’m sure there is some mid-level staffer at National Review, trying to conjure the tears of Barry Goldwater on behalf of Scott Brown. But in case you’ve forgotten, even by your own standards, you’re kind of in terrible shape." - Christopher Chung
"In over 70 years, despite massive public spasms of disgust with the federal government, conservatives have only made it larger and stupider. Let's list how! Eisenhower’s Cold War mobilization, Nixon’s wage and price controls and the EPA, Reagan’s massive expansion of military spending, financed by tax cuts that were sold to the public as “revenue generating.” The process culminated in the hilariously fascist sounding, grant-writing chop shop known as the Department of Homeland Security. So: failure." - Christopher Chung