How British are you? The alternative citizenship test | John Harris | Comment is free | -
"As is currently the case, migrants will then have to sit a test based on what they’ve read: according to reports, among their key challenges will be reciting the first verse of the national anthem. But what else will be in there? If only to present a slight alternative to the Theresa May/Michael Gove school of history, here are 15 questions about Britain’s past and present – and if you don’t get more than 10 right, you’ll have to send us your passport, read some more books, and then try again. Possibly." - M F
Make Bradford British - Halil
I'm taking offense even at the titles of that series above... - Iphigenie
I find it offensive too, sounds like something from the BNP - M F
It wasn't the best doc, and the people were certainly full of BS, but I did feel sorry for the girl, she was nice and tried to fit in, but they were just horrible to her, but they were all naive imho on so many levels. - Halil