Lab results and a nice white coat that ties behind my back. (@ San Antonio Wellness Center: Yerrington Robert F MD)
you tell em if they poke bunneh wrong they'll be consequences. *cracks knuckles* - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Bunnehs tend to bite if they get poked. :) - Steven Perez
Is it one of those hospital gowns that show a little arse-crack out the back? #yourbunnehtailisshowing - Benny Bucko <Team Melly>
No, it's one of those jackets that comes with a padded cell and lots of pudding. :D - Steven Perez
I knew they'd catch up with you eventually. - John (bird whisperer)
It was Facebook that ratted me out. STOOPID FACEBOOK TRACKING. - Steven Perez
Good things bunnehs are fast. You can escape! - Jennifer Dittrich
But I was looking forward to a long vacation. :) - Steven Perez
Solitude, peace, air conditioning, free meals, what's there not to like? - Stephan Planken