coldacid on SJWs turn on Randi Harper. "You're a bone-headed shitefuck" "You fucked up big time" "FUCK YOU RANDI!" and more! -
"Thing is, there are still people working towards positive social change instead of all this PC bullshit and Oppression Olympics. The thing is, they're busy doing that instead of making noise and drama on the internet, so all we see are the crazy SJW types, giving all of social justice a bad name. It's the same thing with feminism: there's still lots of dedicated, equality-minded feminists out there who are trying to make things better for women around the world, but the only ones we hear of are the radicals who are crying "muhsoggyknees" and generally promoting misandrist policy instead of pro-equality ones. TL;DR: We're too attracted to the shiny drama, and forget about the quiet but hard-working positive folks." - Chris Charabaruk