ffbookmarklet v1.02 "FLICKA" Release — flickr.com photo auto-select feature addition
For the background on this code see ( http://friendfeed.com/ffhacks... ). Okay, so what's this change you ask? The current design of flickr seems to break the image selection function of the bookmarklet (scan the original code and you'll see an ancient workaround that's no longer relevant). Tonight I wanted to quickly whip up a solution, couldn't get image selection working, so took a different tack. When the bookmarklet is clicked and you're on flickr.com the code will auto-select the "main image". This means it works on a single image view. So anyway, that's my hack for tonight. See above link for how to self-host on dropbox. Source gist: https://gist.github.com/wittman... Minified gist: https://gist.github.com/wittman... - Micah
. - Micah
I've only tested it on OS X/Chrome, so let me know if no worky othewise. - Micah
Micah, while you're at it, want to strip the s from the protocol when posting from Youtube? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I'll take a look at that, jimminy. Any other requests out there? - Micah
Can you make it so that you can post more than 3 images? :) - Stephen Mack
If you could get it to work with shirt.woot, that'd be swell. (Meaning, due a change on their site, images are no longer easy to capture.) - CAJ was here