Mystalic on Ben Parr, former Co-Editor of Mashable, tech investor, & author of Captivology. I interviewed /u/kn0thing, Sheryl Sandberg, David Copperfield & more for my new book on the science of attention. AMA! -
"First, disclosure: I'm an equity advisor in Ustream, an enterprise live video platform. To answer your question: I think it's fun and novel, but faces long-term adoption issues. The big problems are: it's mostly tech industry insiders using it at the moment (very few products who start out that way make it big) and it takes a lot of work to live stream stuff! Color tried it. Qik tried it. A lot have tried it. But it has never stuck, because it's hard and because users don't want to be "on" all the time. Photos are easier. I think meerkat is cool, but has a lot of negatives going against it." - Ben Parr