GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
Waiting for the famous call! - Robert Scoble
Ouch! - Nir Ben Yona
Oh! I could steal my wife's 6 Plus before she gets home and sell it to Steve but I dare not! - Alex de Soto
Keith is spot on, do it old style, not over air. - Simon Benvenutto
You can backup your iphone with iTunes and then restore to iOS 8. - Nir Ben Yona
Got my Galaxy S4 18 months ago so don't get the upgrade price for another 6 months... I was bummed until I realized the back-up for orders was probably through April 2015 anyway. - Frank Paynter
Dividing countries is not necessarily a bad idea btw - Ludwig Ederle
Multinational corporations and billionaire oligarchs luv them some divided countries - Frank Paynter
The Plus is really huge! Steve needs to try one first. - Alex de Soto
Robert, what time is it in Seoul? 5 am? - Ludwig Ederle
Zing!! - Tom Guarriello
5 a.m. Yes. - Robert Scoble
pal says foxconn's IP6 NQM running full tilt in vietnam, china, singapore. - clive boulton
iPhone 6 Plus dumb name. IPhone 6S much better - Moe Glitz
Boy, got up early or all nighter? - Ludwig Ederle
What time is it Scoble? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Do they open their APIs? - Murray Macdonald
Robert's post here on the day of the iPhone launch was great: - Alex de Soto
In effect Larry's been Oracle CTO since day 1, even when someone else had the CTO title. - clive boulton
Hiya - Ian Waring
I bet most of the apple purchasers are repeat customers. How many new users did Apple gain? - Murray Macdonald
I have the Gang running on my iPhone 6+ :-) - Ian Waring
Moto E, G, X is good lineup - clive boulton
So the story goes that the phablet thing is an Asian thing, culturally. I wonder if iPhone 6 plus will flip that. - Simon Benvenutto
Did you guys all get the +? - Ludwig Ederle
I moved from Nexus 5 to 6+ - Ian Waring
I wimped out and got the 6...but it's still on a UPS truck to be delivered today - Tom Guarriello
6+ is the same width as my Nexus 5 with cover, just 1/2" taller - Ian Waring
Almost forgot thie show this week! I was too busy setting up my iPhone 6 ;) - Matthew Voshell
Steve is so bummed he didn't come home with a phone today - Tina Chase Gillmor
we are going for the 6+ Ludwig - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Tina.. that's why you wake up at 4am!! - Matthew Voshell
With people not upgrading due to memory, fragmentation is going to be an issue. - Murray Macdonald
He'll get to appreciate it a lot more, when it does arrive :) - Simon Benvenutto
Android on Chrome will attract App developers - clive boulton
Mine was delivered to my door 8:50am today - Ian Waring
I've been up since 12AM, but scored a 128GB 6, and so far so good... - J.C. Bouvier
Tim Cook stated the other day that Apple were working on Products that haven't even been rumoured yet. Any Thoughts - Moe Glitz
In many stores they only offered only ONE iPhone 6 + device. - Nir Ben Yona
Matthew - Steve was up at 5am - Tina Chase Gillmor
I NEVER go through the carriers.... plus i dont think they offer applecare+ is a must - Matthew Voshell
@Tina... yea... there was a major issue this year.. it took 2 hours for me 2 to get through - Matthew Voshell
You can add AppleCare by visiting the Apple Store. - Alex de Soto
ALL Verizon iPhone 6 / 6 Plus devices come unlocked, no matter where you buy them. - Nir Ben Yona
I'm going from 5 to 6... my first time with Touch ID and as a Cyber Pro.. i'm loving it.. - Matthew Voshell
VERIZON is GSM as well. - Nir Ben Yona
Sounds like Apple store employees bonused by AT&T - clive boulton
LTE makes carriers not matter anymore... but if you drop to 4G.. then it does.. - Matthew Voshell
I'm grandfathered in with unlimited data on AT&T... ONLY reason i havent changed carriers - Matthew Voshell
Who is using the zoom feature? - J.C. Bouvier
Danny Sullivan tweeted about using a a Sprint unlocked iPhone 6 with AT&T and Verizon today. Had issues with 3G data on Verizon but the rest seemed to work. - Alex de Soto
Anyone else have an iPad with iOS8... and then get a landline call and have the iPad ring? Freaky! - Matthew Voshell
Tina: it's 5:26 a.m. here. - Robert Scoble
@matthew, not yet - J.C. Bouvier
Danny: "Verizon SIM in T-Mobile iPhone 6 let me make calls & data via LTE. With LTE off (3G), could make calls but no data." - Alex de Soto
you up early Scob - Tina Chase Gillmor
Keiths T-Mo purchase sounds the best way. - clive boulton
Most iPhones from carrier stores here lock onto the first telco they get enabled on. Those from Apple stay unlocked - Ian Waring
Show title: iPhone Whopper - christina sponselli
i'm 6'3" and im actually liking the iPhone 6 with the extra .7"? i'm not overtyping letters anymore - Matthew Voshell
iPhone Whopper (I'll take fries with that) - clive boulton
@Chritstina.. second that - Matthew Voshell
AT&T will pay you up to $300 for an iPhone 5s when you buy a new iPhone 6. - Alex de Soto
Doesn't anybody else find this bourgeois I got my Apple crap a little tedious? I was so over it by 1984... - Frank Paynter
How about those Ebay and Home Depot security problems? - Murray Macdonald
@Scoble... isnt korea entirely Wifi?? Whats the connection speeds like compared to back home? - Matthew Voshell
Verizon as I understand it still has a different implementation of LTE -- so data may not be LTE and voice may be or not. - John Taschek
Matthew: fast fast fast. - Robert Scoble
@Scoble.. so what your saying is the ISP have us by the balls? got it! ha - Matthew Voshell
new Moto X could be best Android ever made - clive boulton
Just (Not) In Time... - Tom Guarriello
There are 200,000 workers building the new iPhones in China. - Alex de Soto
none wants to wait. waiting is no longer in our DNA - Tina Chase Gillmor
Korea is not entirely wifi but there is a LOT of wifi here. - Robert Scoble
Because limited supply drives up demand - Tom Guarriello
We the ipeople - Moe Glitz
+1 Tom - Frank Paynter
There are rumors that iPhone 6 Plus yields are low. Quality issues. - Alex de Soto
Moto X should have high def voice - like a conference call - John Taschek
Or why not just wait until they have more ready to sell. they can estimate initial demand - Tina Chase Gillmor
drives demand - Tina Chase Gillmor
i love my older Moto X - Da
By the very careful opening up the iPhone 6 Plus box. The inset that holds the phone is a bit shallow and you can easily drop the phone. - Alex de Soto
Moto X, yes I can use high def voice for conf calls - clive boulton
The new iPhone works in the same way as the hot new Kiddies Xmas Present - Moe Glitz
they're gonna say "I WANT IT SO BAD" - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Scoble... S.Korea is #1... US #10 - Matthew Voshell
And if you drop that monster on your foot! Hospital bills!~ - Frank Paynter
Surface 3 sold out as well, harhar - Ludwig Ederle
snail mail just arrived in the studio! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Like that Arnie Movie. "Apple All The Way" - Moe Glitz
moore's law has flattened specs... now its about the ecosystem - Matthew Voshell
I don't think we need to talk about this on G3 today. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Today I connected my Glass to my iPhone 5s. Giving it a shot after iOS 8 update. - Alex de Soto
+1 Matthew - John Taschek
All 10 Ludwig - Moe Glitz
Brand, brand, brand... - Tom Guarriello
how did that go, Alex? - Tina Chase Gillmor
They had so many, Moe Glitz? - Ludwig Ederle
@Tashcek... but i don;t think samsung has accepted this.. they constanyly talk about specs in thier keynotes... apple hardly mentions it anymore - Matthew Voshell
Tina: Shaky. Does not handle the handoff between WiFi and Bluetooth on iOS well. I'm testing for a week. - Alex de Soto
Any thoughts on Microsoft buying Minecraft - Moe Glitz but there will be many other comparisons shortly. Wait to see what Marques Brownlee does. - Robert Scoble
I think that's why they fired/he resigned the design chief. But the marketing department is still Apple envy - John Taschek
all my nieces have ipod touches and iphones... so i talk to them through imessage... why would i leave? - Matthew Voshell
@moe... 4 years too late.. clones on the way - Matthew Voshell
Nexus 6 may be based on Moto X - clive boulton
People are lining up all over the world to get this. Who else can even come close to that?? - Tom Guarriello
@Taschek.. yea if the best commercials you can come up with to convince people to buy your product is to attack your competition... people hate negative ads... gotta bring more to the table - Matthew Voshell
Android Silver program stalled - carriers not wanting pop up Android Genius Bars in Shopping Centers - Ian Waring
can't make enough = not charging enough - Jerome Hughes
negative ads tend to gain attention though -- political, technology, etc. But the longer term effects are damaging. - John Taschek
VIDEO -- Apple iPhone 6 Plus vs OnePlus One and LG G3 - Nir Ben Yona
The positioning (on privacy) by Tim Cook is pretty persuasive: "Our business is not based on having information about you. You’re not our product." - Alex de Soto
They're doing it on purpose to show demand. It's like Studio 54 being empty once you get inside. - Murray Macdonald
the new frontier… variable pricing - Jerome Hughes
introduced with the watch - Jerome Hughes
I'm sick for getting up at 3 am (EDT) to order my wife's. - Alex de Soto
Sell one to Steve? - J.C. Bouvier
From my experience, in India, iPhone is still very much an 'Object of desire', if given a choice either by reducing the price or if the purchasing power increases, most of the Andorid user will shift to iPhone in a moment here. - Satyajit
It's only $1100 or so on ebay - - John Taschek
Sick fan boy and a nobody with big breasts? Not true! - Alex de Soto
@Tina.. does steve own a tent? should have had your daughter camp out! - Matthew Voshell
Is this whole show going to be about iPhone purchasing? No mention on Home Depot? No mention of Ebay Cross-site scripting hack since Feb? - Murray Macdonald
without Google and Facebook services, devices are paperweight - Da
I ordered one cause my 5 wouldnt lay flat... it had a fight with my car door ;( - Matthew Voshell
Minecraft $2.5bn super purchase, and cost virtually nothing -- $77bn overseas funds because stupid tax system stops repatriation - clive boulton
Yes Satyajit, Apple is in the "object of desire" business (now including "watches") not the smartphone business - Tom Guarriello
"One of the dirty little secrets about rare-earth mining is that a major by-product is radioactive waste in the form of thorium." So how long will cell phones be manufactured, really? Anybody else betting on environmental awareness trumping tech manufacturing b.s.? - Frank Paynter
Apple arrogance, but everybody buys anyway - Ludwig Ederle
Murray -- I think so.... - John Taschek
This used to be common for consoles back when they were interesting. Original Playstation, N64, etc. Pestering ToysRus employees to get trucking schedules was part of the game. - Ian McGee
Don't see how Minecraft fits into Nadellas published strategy at all - Ian Waring
Real-Time Inventory functions this way... you'll never know what is where till supply catches up to demand... - Matthew Voshell
Originally my AT&T order said it would deliver in October and it delivered today. - Alex de Soto
John - I appreciate the honesty. - Murray Macdonald
Minecraft gets to the hearts and minds of developers .. who happen to be between 10-14 years old - John Taschek
lantern mantles! - Jerome Hughes
how many people buy Androids vs iPhones? - Da
Microsoft is grasping at straws... i guess that NFL money is paying off forcing the athletes use surface tablets... ha - Matthew Voshell
It's like ramping up for WWII manufacturing. Where's Rosie the iPhone riveter? - Alex de Soto
Androids sell about nine for each iPhone sold. But that doesn't matter. Most of those are cheap low end phones sold in China and India. - Robert Scoble
story about foxxconn demand... plus they had a strike? - Matthew Voshell
Murray - I have nothing to add ... I like moving fast, but I've got an aversion to mob mentality and long lines - John Taschek
Minecraft is cross-platform, cross-device. - clive boulton
The original Rosie died from mesothelioma - Frank Paynter
I tried to dissuade Steve from doing this. He needed to do it. And I think he wanted to see what the experience was himself today - Tina Chase Gillmor
It's 3 Phone Monty! - Tom Guarriello
It was a bad sign when Francine's iPhone pre-order said Nov 15 delivery... - Ian McGee
I'm watching the GG on my 6+ - Ian Waring
They're waiting in line for me... I paid a pro line stander to get my iP6 - Frank Paynter
As of June 1st Android held 61.9% of the U.S. market share compared to Apple’s 32.5% - Murray Macdonald
@Alex... that's AT&T :/ - Matthew Voshell
Apple could have made 20 million iPhones 6's ready for Day One. - Moe Glitz
It's a good live-in-the-moment-event -- like waiting for Star Wars. I'm too old for that... - John Taschek
It's the Great Pumpkin Steve Gillmor! - Alex de Soto
Quietly MS is going cross-platform...IE next? - clive boulton
Maryam better lock her door tonight - Tina Chase Gillmor
AirPhone - christina sponselli
JOhn Taschek... YOU'RE too old for that? - Tina Chase Gillmor
hey! How about that Bono! - Frank Paynter
I matured before my time - John Taschek
That was from Tim's interview with Charlie Rose - Matthew Voshell
I think it's in response to Jennifer Lawrence - John Taschek
Gotta go - think my daughter in law is in labour... See you next week. - Ian Waring
U2 are over. Apple Did a bad deal there - Moe Glitz
More Americans use Androids or iPhone? - Da
john... you crack me up - Tina Chase Gillmor
Congrats, ian! - John Taschek
They can still get Nickelback for the next launch. - Frank Paynter
Da - iPhone by far - Keith Teare
@Frank rare-earth mining -- def to get more attention - clive boulton
shoot, I missed the beverage shot - Tina Chase Gillmor
Current times giving way to the redefinition of "free speech" - christina sponselli
I'm actually surprised they haven't added Touch ID to macbooks? Assuming its coming to iPads next month.. - Matthew Voshell
Apple Apps are full of advertising. - Murray Macdonald
All part of the sixth great extinction (Anthropocene) - Frank Paynter
But won't Apple have to go back on the security promise to gather the signals to do contextual products like Google Now? - Ian McGee
Apple don't do Ads on Mobile. They only do Credit Cards - Moe Glitz
I think we should debate whether "holocene extinction" or "anthropocene extinction" is the more appropriate term. - Frank Paynter
i just Googled. 52 % Android. 42% iPhone for US - Da
macbook pro line design looking dated. touch screen. yoga hinge. LTE yada yada - clive boulton
Google is answering Apple: "Google bolsters Android L security with encryption by default strategy" - Alex de Soto
Yoda hinge? - Frank Paynter
Yoga hinge (oops) - clive boulton
The Social Sites that wins on Mobile are the ones that don't go with the Ads Model, but rather the Credit Cards Model - Moe Glitz
I wuz joking - Frank Paynter
Lenovo has a factory as big as a WalMart! - Frank Paynter
"every cloud service is trustworthy, until they violate your trust" - Dan Farber, 9/19/14 - Jerome Hughes
This was what Toffler wrote about decades ago... - Tom Guarriello
alllllright... we just went there - Matthew Voshell
Take it off. - Murray Macdonald
nah, it'll be charging - Jerome Hughes
been a long trip I guess... ;-) - Ian McGee
The Gillmors are always having more fun - Tina Chase Gillmor
Uber and AirBnb are going to win big on mobile - Moe Glitz
Tina: hah! - Robert Scoble
HERE YOU GO -- Gold IPhones at $3,600 as China Delay Fuels Black Market - Nir Ben Yona
Facebook and Twitter need to lose the Ads Model and move towards the Credit Cards Model - Moe Glitz
I will say.. getting used to the sleep button being on the side instead of the top has been the greatest adjustment! - Matthew Voshell
Uber is being f'd in France and Germany, no big win there. Airbnb as well - Ludwig Ederle
As a photog... the camera on this phone is legit - Matthew Voshell
Gold iPhone at $3,600 still beats a Rolex. - clive boulton
But at least they are using the Credit Card Model. Advertising sucks on Mobile - Moe Glitz
I want a drone that follows you down the hill shooting your run. - Murray Macdonald
Here's what i want....I order the phone....someone comes to my door and hands me the new phone with all my data on it... takes my old phone....bricks it.... hands me some money...Goodbye - Tina Chase Gillmor
That would be a nice service. - Murray Macdonald
Murray ~ flyables over wearables. yes! - clive boulton
Are people going to use Apple Pay? Thats your money.... to stay on the privacy line... - Matthew Voshell
Apple Drones Delivery Service - Moe Glitz
there you go Moe! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Walmart and Bestbuy are not supporting Apple Pay. - Murray Macdonald
How long will WalMart and BestBuy resist Apple Pay if it gains traction? Probably not long. - Tom Guarriello
Insurance companies will be heavily involved... - christina sponselli
My bank (BofA) is sending me messages about supporting Apple Pay - Tina Chase Gillmor
Bourgie Apple users don't shop WalMart - Frank Paynter
I don't see many at Walmart with iPhones - clive boulton
People who shop at walmart.. is it likly they have iphones? gotta keep thoer retirees employed - Matthew Voshell
I was reading that they use cash in germany. - Frank Paynter
Frank: yeah, and they still read newspapers too. Way behind. :-) - Robert Scoble
Chill on the ageist bullshit Matthew - Frank Paynter
I use 1password with touch ID and then can fill forms in the web (and apps soon) and its amazing!!! my home button wont wear out in a year - Matthew Voshell
Robert, they still have trees in deutschland, so they can afford papers - Frank Paynter
1Password on iOS 8 is great - Tom Guarriello
@Frank.. just a joke.. walmart is renouned for paying those greaters shit money... - Matthew Voshell
Apple Pay be great at bars, restaurants, nightclubs, keep my CC out of unknown hands - clive boulton
John has left the building - Tina Chase Gillmor
Same with Pocket and Evernote on ios8 - Tom Guarriello
@Tom.. LOVE Pocket - Matthew Voshell
True Matthew... a WalMart job and foodstamps will get a person by - Frank Paynter
Who wrote that "burn rate bubble" article this week? Interesting. - Tom Guarriello
Isnt there a fact that like 80% of the current startups in the mobile space can't sustain thier business model? - Matthew Voshell
John is back - John Taschek
Fred Wilson wrote the Burn Baby Burn post. - Ian McGee
Thanks, Ian. - Tom Guarriello
Alibaba is one big bubble - Moe Glitz
I think 80 percent of any startup can't sustain its original business model -- probably even higher - John Taschek
Medium is great... here are a couple of interesting pieces: - Frank Paynter
So what's the 6 good for besides bigger, better camera and Apple Pay compared to the 5s? - Ludwig Ederle
Steven Levy started curating a tech section for Medium - christina sponselli
Medium definitely found an interesting niche. - Tom Guarriello
Anyone have connections to 12 south? Hoping they come out with a bookbook for iphone 6 sooner rather than later - Matthew Voshell
I'm seeing a lot of young parents abandon Facebook and take up Path - clive boulton
Steve --> The Tale of the Manson Tapes by Tom O’Neill - Nir Ben Yona
Medium is very social and (of course) has great hooks into Twitter - christina sponselli
I'm in DC and i've never heard Path mentioned once...SnapChat is spreading like wildfire - Matthew Voshell
Medium is excellent -- but Steve's point about it being elitist is probably true and that's why it is better. - John Taschek
John - why elitist? - Tina Chase Gillmor
"Thoughtful writing" what a concept. The anti-Buzzfeed. - Tom Guarriello
How will Medium making $? - christina sponselli
yes, the antidote - Tina Chase Gillmor
That is what Steve said -- - John Taschek
Confession: They gave me a Medium account in the early days, but I haven't written anything that I thought was high enough quality to place there. - Frank Paynter
Frank... give it a try anyway - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Christina and : Native Content Ads. - Satyajit
Thanks, @Satyajit - christina sponselli
The Apple/U2 blowback has been interesting. My wife's work (hospital) wasn't amused that all company iphones suddenly had the album. - Ian McGee
but its a lot harder to write in the long-form - Tina Chase Gillmor
But people miss long form and quality - John Taschek
Matthew ~ glance at young Moms phones, lots of them use Path - clive boulton
Path for families - Tina Chase Gillmor
Twitter acquired Posterous, does anyone remember that? - Nir Ben Yona
Long form will keep up quality, keeping noise down. Another great thing about Medium is it approximates how much time I am going to take to read an article so it sort of helps me to decide wheter I can read an article now or add it to read it later list. - Satyajit
Tina: yes. Path fits Apple like a glove - clive boulton
Agree, Satyajit. Plus the discoverability of seeing what your friends are reading or writing. And they have a great email digest. - christina sponselli
We need aggregation tools that allow you to control the settings. - Murray Macdonald
+10 Feedly - Tom Guarriello
How are you watching Sky Sports, Keith?? VPN plus subscription? - Tom Guarriello
Why isn't it just a chrome plugin that goes and harvests content you care about? - Murray Macdonald
Tom - VPN and sisters sub - Keith Teare
Ah, English family FTW!! - Tom Guarriello
I want a system that reads it to me when I'm driving/shaving. -- read it to me later. - Murray Macdonald
Funny... Steve said this was going to be a short show. Turns out, not so. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Forbes, yes. Atlantic...I don't think so - Tom Guarriello
i think Medium doesn't actually know what it's going to be yet - Tina Chase Gillmor
And Annotations, too! :) - Satyajit
They do have "Powered By" sponsorships as Satyajit's link showed featuring BMW. - Alex de Soto
You guys need to get Next Issue. Killer app for magazines - Tom Guarriello
The video froze for me. Anyone else? - Murray Macdonald
Didnt MacWorld announce they are stopping thier print edition? - Matthew Voshell
Still working here, Murray - Ian McGee
Thanks Ian. - Murray Macdonald
"Getting off without my iPhone" - Murray Macdonald
If you don't have it first it's worthless. - Frank Paynter
+1 Murray - Tom Guarriello
"I don't have my iPhone" somewhat like "I want my MTV" - Jerome Hughes
Checkout NodeRed - Murray Macdonald
Thanks for todays show. - Patrick Culleton
so great! - Jerome Hughes
Have great weekends! - John Taschek
I am weary of hearing Steve whine about his not ordering his phone. If he had planned better, he's have one now. Its not Apple's fault, its yours. - Thomas Rector
BTW - chat Center released a new version yesterday. All 3 billion mobile numbers are now enabled in the app as Chat addresses. - Keith Teare
Thanks! - Alex de Soto
Thanks everyone, especially Tina! - Murray Macdonald
Looks like Pittsburgh, Robert! - Tom Guarriello
Tx guys, great convo - Good luck w/the phone steve! - J.C. Bouvier
Thanks, All! :) - Satyajit
Good show. 'night all - Ian McGee
awwww Murray! thanks - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina = the glue. - Jerome Hughes
you guys are so nice!!! love you all - Tina Chase Gillmor
Black Market Takes Over the iPhone 6 Lines - clive boulton
ccv xfgsrt - Filho Silva JC
European Commission Criticizes Proposed Internet Use Tax - Bloggers and Marketers