soulhacker on What skill to drop for crudest boots on swk -
Sep 6, 2014
"That depends. SWK-Gen build have 3 mandatory skills: FoF, Epiphany, Mantra. If survivability is the bottleneck: Eyes of Peshkov + Ice Climber, BoH + Serenity are best combination. If survivability is not a problem and spirit is starving: Eyes of Peshkov + Crudest Boots, BoH + Air Ally. And the last skill can be Sweeping Wind or Dashing Strike. If no Peshkov, then Crudest Boots + Air Ally is mandatory. And you can choose 2 skills from Dashing Strike, Sweeping Wind and Serenity. I personally very like Serenity because Flying Dragon + SWK build requires me to face tank as long as possible."
- Neo Lee