Elephant massacre in Chad - at least 89 elephants were killed including 33 pregnant females and 15 calves - http://www.wildlifeextra.com/go...
More than 300 elephants were killed in February 2012 in the Bouba N'Djida National Park in northern Cameroon. The same poachers are believed to have killed at least 89 elephants in Chad this year. - Halil
Holy crap. I hope those guys are caught and raked over the coals! - Spidra Webster
strictly speaking you could say 122 were massacred if you include the unborn, but totally agree with you Spidra, I really hope they catch the scum bags! - Halil
There are many reasons I wish China didn't own so much of US debt, but one of them is that it makes it harder to put pressure on them to quite providing a market for this shit. - Spidra Webster
Absolutely despicable behaviour. - Son of Groucho
don't ignore this story either please http://ff.im/1eV7pg :( - Halil
Shocking. - Eithne Herd
Why. Just why - Mo Kargas